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nobiernen and the Sth committee for procuring the determine down now true therefore laid the it copy the will fuch

... prefent the frdrn Grml’y SHEN CHURCHILL’ Poetical FRET’s vol DO NNE’s HUGiiES’s Woikt Poetical Woikf 1 DENHAM’s FENTON’s LANSDOWN’s Work vol BUCKINGHAM’S ROSCOMMON’S Portical SOMERVILLE’S savage’s in Poetical vols MALLET’s The within general admiration ...

Published: Saturday 16 March 1782
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 83 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Cambridge MARK rofe-bud at opening referve While the coy fweets diffufe on ev’ry fide Such modeft when fuch ..

... GENTLEMEN Printed for ALEX KOGG the Kings' No 16 Paternofter row o o o V 3 6 & BUTLER v DENHAM i COWLEY 4 BUCKINGHAM v v 04 6 LANSDOWN tv o 1 6 POMFRETsrv 1 6 SWIFT 6 ADDISON 1 vj - ROWE iv 7 PHILLIPS J SMITH PARNELL v v HUGHES v 3 1 vol TICKELL v o SOMERVlLLE ...

Published: Saturday 18 February 1786
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1462 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

'! ' ar : of ' Poiute a Pefre Gna- &e Was the Right Majefly’s Secretary for Home the inftant

... and ailudedtotliealiedged fupprefiion of one luiions of Conftitutional Society ftaied by Mr Thompfon the the Lauderdale Lans-downe exprefled heir anent to both motions: they ga' e eulogiums the naval and military C the Weft Indies The motions ere put ...

Published: Saturday 24 May 1794
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2786 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

vtoti,l be deterred o■ account of them from parfulng what he felt to be the honeit line et duty to

... he complimented the Minifter very highly, and Mid lie would give his vote for the queltion of adjournment. The Marquis of LANSDOWNE began one of his belt and ableft fpereches by the handfomeft compliments that could ire paid to the noble Duke who had brought ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1794
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 6710 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

PO r;flt Y

... their powers, will' lefpeet to the prefect conteft, circumfcribed by the vote of either Houle of Parliament. The Marquis of LANSDOWN regretted that, whenever the queftion of the real °hied of the War was brought forward, it lhould be conthinly got rid of ...

Published: Saturday 28 February 1795
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4349 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

TirE 5T.171 qt- OL7R:RiIiOURCES


Published: Saturday 23 January 1796
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 4970 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... ns from Marquis TOWNSHILND,LOrdS GREN V ILLL,SP INC and DARNLEY, in oppofition to the motion, and troll] the Marquis of LANSDOWNE, the Duke of 6EO . oaf, Lord GUI I.DY ORD, and Loan MJIRA, in fupport of it, the Route divided, when tt,ere appeared for ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1797
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6619 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

r 114 XARK•LANE, April 3. U.PAS, Meal \Veigcr;

... to the Noble Lord, ,awl Wilted no opportunity bad been futrered ' *Pilaf; that was likely to procure peace. he Marquis of LANSDOWNE a:11 the Duke of Moroao each fpoke in favour of the LAJtion ; and Lord GRE:4VILLE again (poke againq it ; after w!iich the ...

Published: Saturday 08 April 1797
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 3600 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

THE e CHRONICLE and JOURNAL PRINTED by FRANCIS HODSON at the Corner of Green-Street CAMBRIDGE 1 — — - -

... he (hould continue advife its rejection although indeed he conlidered it only as for a rupture to the Negociation The of Lansdown after declaring nothing but the importance of the prelent crifis when he thought the duty every come forward and exert himfelf ...

Published: Saturday 11 November 1797
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3707 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

- IRELAND. OUR readers will remember that Lord CORNWALLIS lined a Proclamation' aouut ten days fince, which was ..

... decent and courteous appellation of outer:/Is to the hooks of Rua!, Cavendish, Howard, Pierce, and Fitzgerald; to Lord Lansdowne, Loud Fitz wil liam, Lord Moira, and - Lord Thurlow . ; to Mr. Fox, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Grey, and Mr. Erfkine • to Lord Charlemont ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1798
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2765 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

conciliation with Ireland, granting them what they witted, and what was alone eateniated to make them happy. ..

... prefent Motion. Lord R.o MN EY (poke agaitift the Motion. Lord DA RN LEY gave at his mon decided oppotition. Marquis of LANSDOWNE. 111 a mullion of fo very important a nature as the prefent in my opinion is, 1 than not, my Lords, attempt tit tretpals ...

Published: Saturday 15 September 1798
Newspaper: Cambridge Intelligencer
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1122 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

COMMON inst the respectable Livery met the Sheritfs 1011 Wevmouth aim 3d October The the Liveiv the which just o

... of thefe Compolttions all purchafers - are requefted be particularly obferving name off NEWpERY the Stamp pafted as Walsh Lansdowne 1 Moore Addison Congreve Tickei ' Fenton Rowe Mallet' Wartou 0 Savage Parnel Waller Shakespeare 1 Sheustone Akenside Young ...

Published: Saturday 18 October 1800
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1703 | Page: 4 | Tags: none