... THEFT OF THE MONA LISA . Flobence , Thursday . The Nuhvo Giornalc announces that tho trial of tho man Perugia for stealing the famous Mona Lisa from the Louvre will take place on Fobruarv 20 in Florence . —Router . ...
... THEFT OF THE MONA LISA . Flobence , Thursday . The Nuhvo Giornalc announces that tho trial of tho man Perugia for stealing the famous Mona Lisa from the Louvre will take place on Fobruarv 20 in Florence . —Router . ...
... THE RETURN OF THE MONA LISA . ' Rome , December 17 . Signor Credaro , Minister of Education , has informed the French Ambassador that he hopes to be able to hand over the Mona Lisa to his keeping on Saturday afternoon . —Reuter . ALLEGED ESPIONAGE ...
... Mona Lisa Probably the most famous painting in the world is Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. In the Louvre. When she crossed the Atlantic in 1963 for display In Washington and New York, she travelled in an ...
... MONA LISA. Joshua had an ugly scar on his lip, caused by a fall from his horse, and was deaf, and afraid that his eyesight would go, as it ultimately did. Even profound admiration for a great artist could scarcely overcome the handicap of trying to share ...
... The Mona Lisa A visit to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa was a must, and before a shopping spree the following afternoon we managed to see Les Invalides, which houses Napoleon's tomb, to get a glimpse of the Arc de Triomphe and lunch in grand style on ...
... MONA LISA. murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who now lives in the castle, then told him that there was large collection of old masters in the castle. ...
... The Mona Lisa I NEARLY had a fit when I read Mrs. Thompson's comments about the Mona Lisa's Shy twitch in Tuesday's Viewpoint. What does she think painter Leonardo da Vinci was—a beach photographer who caught the frozen leer of a nervous pin-up in ...
... in Mona Lisa ...
... Mona Lisa. The new band will play all new material, a mixture of melodic rock. blues, reggae and folk. and they start gigging at the Cumberland Arms pub below Byker Bridge. Newcastle. on Thursday January 7. Later appearances include Tilley's in Westgate ...
... MONA LISA. Experts Uphold Authenticity of Picture. Allegations made London that the picture Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum is only a copy of Da Vinci's famous masterpiece met in Paris with scepticism. M. Bollaert, an expert in the matter, and director ...
... a ema The famous picture. Mona Lisa. 0 known as La Gioconda, was inted by Leonardo da Vinet in This wontertul portrait is ut of the third wife of an obscure at ictal in Florence, and it is said a2onardo musicians n, play and sing while she to as to tle ...
... Mona Lisa ORIGINS IT is reported that the Mona Lisa which has been in the Louvre, Paris, for 400 years has been reized as war trophy by the Nazis. Mona Lisa was the name given the celebrated portrait of the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, which was painted ...