... Russell, who, with his Indy, s at present on a private visit here, the ceremony ?f presentation took place to-lay, in the Music-hall, Georgei-leul, (the largest publie building in the town). The | hall was erowded with a large nnd respectable nwudience ...


... MR. WILSON’S ENTERTAINMENT. On Saturday evening the Music Hall, Edinburgh, was filled to overflowing, by an audience assembled to listen to the farewell strains of our favoured and favourite townsman Wilson. He is completeli recovered from the temporary ...


... of the room, it would appear that music, like jealousy, Grows from the meat it feeds on,” for never has the Store-street Musical-hall been more erowded than it was on Monday evening. !n fact, Wilson's powers of attraction seem to go on in geometrical p ...


... late fairs held in or near this city, The “*Grand Soirée” of the Leeds Mechanics’ Institate took place on Friday, in the Music-hall, and realised a'l the expectations previously entertained of it+ Fifty lndies presided at the ten-table, and in the saloon ...


... on him. Tue Law or Excores.—M. Jullien who has been entertaining the citizens of Dublin for the few last nights, at the Music-hall, Abbey-street, has fallen Into great disfavour with our population. | On Fridayjnight Herr Pischek with M. Jullien, was ...

month imprisonment. Paid 10:., aod ullowed a fortnight to puy the remainder, Levi Parkins, labourer, Eyneshury, ..

... PROMOTION OF THE FINI ARTS IN SCOTLAND, ———— The annual general meeting of this Association was held on Satuirday, in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, which was filled by a highly respecialile assemblage of ladies and gentlemen. The numerons works of art which ...


... «=Jersey Times. MR. WiLson’s ExterTainmesTs, —A full at. tendance greeted the return of Mr. Wilson, ou Monday night, in the Music-hall, Store-street. The programme of the evening comprised many of the popularminstrel’s most favourite songs, interspers. d ...

. COURT OF QUEEN'S PENCH, Fep 29, ( Sittings at Nisi I; dus, bafore Mr. Justice ERLE and Mctropolitan a

... Wilson hasever given, was produced by him on | court, Fleet-street. At the time of the outbreak, Tuesday night, at the Music Hall, Store-street. Sir | the whole of the inmates were in their beds asleep, Walter Scott was the poet from whose sources he ...

THE SPIRIT OF EVIL. [From the Spectator)

... Disposal of Valuable Freehold Property, known by the name of Stourton Lodge Estate, On the 20th of DECEMBER, 1849, At the MUSIC HALL, LEEDS, YORKSHIRE, Consisting of 6,500 SHARES, AT TWO GUINEAS EACH; st Prize5t0urt0n Lodge, 20d 4, .. ...


... arrived in Edinburgh for that purpose on Saturday night by the express-train from London. The meeting took place in the Music. hall, the doors of which ‘ were thrown open as early as 12 o’clock for the ad- | mission of those who were provided with tickets ...

BEDFORD Literary and Scientific Institution, IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON. THE COMMITTEE beg to ..

... received with the “most unbounded applause at Exeter Hall, London ; Free Trade Hall, Manchester ; Town Hall, Birmingham ; Music Hall, Edinburgh; City Hall, Glasgow, &c.,~t0 give Two Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERTS At the above Room, on the Evenings ...


... his songs being encored every time ; they were chiefly selected from lus Scottish En tertainment recently given in the Music Hall, Storestreet, which was Lightly spoken of by the London press. Mr Crawford sang with excellent taste, but his “ Draw the ...