... THE HOUSE OF CORRtEC- ON FOR. TEN DAYS.-At the Westminster County Court, Mr F. B. .Jarvis, a gentleman residing at the Palace chambers, St James's street, as formally summoned for a debt of 31. 17s. 9d. due to the plaintiff; and not appearing, judgment ...


... tp at 2, Belgrave-street, South, where defendant got into his cab and desired to be driven through St. James's-park to Palace-chambers, St. James's-street. Complainant told the gentleman that no hackney cab was allowed to go through the park, but that he ...

Law Intelligence

... toiler in Regent-street, and n .he sued to recover 521, l0s. for clothes supplied to the dofen- dent, who resides in New Palace-chambers, King-street, St. T REmesB'ns Thou defendant pleaded never dbtd an )a me . .mel L.Rbnoappeared for the plainif ad r.E ...


... prisoner. r William Wrangham, Esq., 12, Greet George-atreet, gave the prisoner an order for clothes. Philip Rowden, Esq., Palace-chambers, gave the prisoner [ an order for clothes to the extent of £11, and paid him two d sums of £15 each. Richard Carter, 4 ...


... was under some mono- mania with regard to him in not acting as a wife; nothing but that, We never found Mr. Lloyd, of Palace-chambers [a laugh]. On the 12th July, 1851. Mrs. Armitage called on me for the last time. (Mr. Sergeant Byles proposed to ask what ...

Law Intelligence

... mono- y one nmsia Nvith regard to hite in not acting as a witfe, nothing but band. that. We never found Mr. Lloyd, of Palace-chambers. (A Visit- laugh.) On the 12th of Jul -, 1851, Mrs. Antitago called onald on ne for the blst time. (Mr. Kerjeaut Byles ...

Law Intelligence

... officers of the 11th Hussars, stationed at ,,Hounslow. a Mr. Prentice, barrister, instructed by Messrs. Carlon and F Haonee, Palace Chambers, St. James's, appeared for the 7 plaintiff, end Mr. Scott, a solicitor, attended for the a company. V The facts of the ...


... September 7, for a black-and-tan terrier, at 25, Berkeley Square; £3 for a Scotch terrier, on September 24, from W. K,, for Palace Chambers. (The reading of this document caused much amusement.) Cann iX MIANO1THESEt.-The statistics of crime in Manchester received ...


... stated. aid The roseoutor is a German gentleman, having officeR in Rs Fenchurch-street,wandresidential chambers at the Palace Chambers, Westminster. On the 23rd of August last, he either lost or had stolen from there a valu- able small dog of the skye terrier ...


... he should commu- nioate with bin master (the prosecutor), and on hi;, return to town the prisoner waited upon him at Palace-chambers. Then a conversatiou took place between them, in the course of which the prisoner said the dog was in Shore- ditch. Finally ...

Law Intelligence

... Upper Berkeley-street. In January last circumstances came to witness s knowledge which induced him to make inquiries at Palace-chambers, St. James's-street, where Mr. Bowles bad apartments. In the following month witness made a communication to his brother ...

Law Intelligence

... no notice of him. * . . . If you will send me back the hils I will do any best to pay them. Atcheson, the porter at Palace-chambers, recalled for the petitioner, said the hall door was not fastened till six o'clock in the winter and eight in the summer ...