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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... prisoner, Lieutenant Richard Maunsell, of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, his defence, and the evidence adduced in sup- port of it-is of opinion that the prisoner, Liemt. Richard Maiunsell, of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, is guilty of the first charge. With regsrd to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Barrett, Esq., J.P., harcella E.,Relictof JohnBarrett, Esq.an_ yoang&t daughter of tb p!ate CaPtain Berminguhani 7th Royal Fusiliers Carey-May 31. at the residerce of her mother, MIuI- lingar, to the inexpressible grief of her faruily, Essie. urgest daughter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stansfeld, Madras Staff Corps, of a daughter. VOULES-August 23, at Eastry, Kent, the wife oi Capt. WV. J. Voules, HM.Y. 7th Royal Fusiliers, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. GARVANandDELANEY-August 24, at Booterstowln Catho lic Church, by the Rev. Patrick Doy I C.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WiiU be held at tho deD EXHrIBITlON PALACE, On THURSDAY NEXT, May 20tbh 1.c TWO MILITARY BANDS pro (3rd Dragoons and Royal Fusiliers) will be In no attendance. __ yor Open to the Public at Two o'clock; to holders of the irnbers' Tickets at 1 30 P m. Closes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRELAND. A Grand Concert will be given on the above date by the Officers and 'Men of the.7th Hussars, 5th Regiment, 7th Royal Fusiliers, and Royal Horse Artillery, and several distinguislotl Atuatenrs, Under theo mmediste Patrounge of Her Grace the J)UtH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L'S -FHORSE REPOSITORY, 15and I6 GREAT BRUNS ICH'.STR ET, DUBLIN. The PfoprietXol Kingley * Tbe Ollicersj of The 7th Royal Fusiliers and tha 7th Hassars TO SELL BY-AUCTION On THURSDAY NEx.T, Septemaber6, 1877, About, TWENTY HANDSONlE. PONIES. Which have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... held at BRAY On TO-MORROW (Thursday), 12th July, Groundsattached Ito thentemstionel Hotel. The Splendid Band of the 7th Royal Fusiliers will attend. ' Open to the Public at 2.30 p.m. Tickets, at ls, 6d. each to the Public and Is. to Sub- fscribers to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MIORROW (Saturday) from 2.30 to d. Also, BY kind permission of the ?? and Officers, the splendid Band of the Royal FusIliers will attend from 7-30 p~m. to 10. Admission-ONE SHILLING. CHILDREN SIXPENCE. ISfO RATHMINES SKATING RINE LAWN TENNIS GROUNDS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m. toi 6. BY SPECIAL REQUEST; By kind permission of the Commanding Officer and Officers, the splendid Band of thu 7th Royal Fusiliers, from 7300 pal,_ to 10. Adinission-ONE SHILLING. CH1ILDREN SIXPENCE. 1660 ROTUNDO GARDENS-SKATING R NK LAWN TENNIS GROUNDS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .P MUISICAL PRONIBNADE. By the kind permidsion of Colonel George H. Waller and the Officers of the 1st Battalion 7th Royal Fusiliers their BAND will perform in the Society's Gardens TO. MIORROWY (aturday), 30th inst., from Half-past Three till Six o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Promenade will take place in the Grounds of Corruic-na-Greina, Dalkey, during which the Bands of tthe 7th Hussars and 7th Royal Fusiliers will be in at- tendance. To conclude with a grand display of Fireworks. Entrie's canbe made vith the Hon. Secretary on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 7.30 p.m. to I0 SPECIAL NOTICE. By kid rpmtssio of the Commanding Officer and OffIcers, the splendid Bausi of the Royal Fusiliers will attead on TO-MORROW (Saturday) AFTERNOON, from 2.30 p.m. to B. Admission-ONE SHILLING. CHILDREN SIXPENGE. )8C0 R ...