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... POLICE NEWS. At the City Police Court, on Tuesday, before Mr. Readlam, Bolliegton Booth, the captain, Tom Kent, Thomas Richards, Thomas May, and Thomas Wileon, members of the Salvation Army, wera summoned for causing an obaiirution in Grosvenor- ...


... he one of the deals stolen from Snook's yard. Mr. Foessy subsequeently waited uspon the prisoner,who said that a man named Tom Kent picked up the deals and sold them to him, and took the prosecutor to several places, under pretence of finding the tsarty ...


... Stapleton-Bretherton, 'Esq' id Major Boyd, and Sir William Parker. - A SUNDAY RUS1 AT PORTcHSss'Rx.-Walter - Parsons, Tom Kent, William Tomlin, Waiter, !h Wilson, and Walter Fielder, all pleaded guilty-to as having been drunk on Sunday afternooni the ...