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... declaration of the French Cabinet in Eivrope.**Wheii the “news of the capture of the Spanish corvette by the Freneit 74, in the West Indies, reached France, the Cabi- net at once gave assurances to the British Ministry, that no orders to molest Spanish vessels ...

– *oUtbtm dounct

... which was preached by the Rev. Thomas was, we understand, a splendid of it oratory. pup h e ‘Provision Contract for the West Indies, 3,300 tierces Pork and 3,100 tierces Beef, was taken in Lon- don, on Friday last, by Messrs. Callaghan, of this City, at ...


... NAVAL, PROMOTIONS Vice Admiral Sir L. W. Halsted, K. C. en the command of his Majesty's squadron in in the West Indies, Commanders to the rank of Past Captain—Hon. Henry John Rous, Ball Clowes, David Buehnn, Edw. Boxer, George Frederick Rich, and Thomas ...


... world to go to, for the nufactures of the United Ki lom. Certainly, for the ships from both North and South as well as the West Indies, the s of Ireland are better situat- ed than the western of E and.” Taish Gioves.— walization of the Revenue duties between ...


... Irish language), who have under their care members of the Methothist Societ (26,171 of which are chiefly slaves in the West Indies), and 135 mission schools, containing 9,556 children.— The income of the Societ for the last year was 9s. L1d.; the expendi ...

... John Edgar. The 93d (Highland) Regiment of Foot,now stationed in Ircland, has received orders to embark at Cork for the West Indies. ‘The order for the conveyance of the 62d (or Wilt- shire) Regiment of Infantry, from Portsmouth to Dub- lin, has been ...


... specially recommend the attention of Ma- gistrates.— Cambrian. CHARACTER or tHe WEST INDLAN FEMALES. The white females of the West Indies are generally ra- ther of a mote slender form than the European women. Their complexion, which peculiarly careful to 5 serve ...

%$€ 5E spotter, anft, Cork Commercial Courier

... effect u the rumour of the day. The intelligence also as to the intention of Government to send out reinforcements tothe West Indies in vessels of war, to produce an unfavourable effect. ‘Fhe Jews have during the day made efforts to support the inarket ...


... Halifax from the 5th Jan. 1939. to the 5th Jan. 1923. Great, Britainy 9 10 Sousbern Ports of Europe..- 38,068 4 0 West Indies.. .. 319.175 3} 4 United Statea 619,256 19 4 coe 163,190 18 10 #2,435,090 13 4 Amoust in value of Exports during the ...


... WEST IN*DIES. The Courier says** understand that the Government think the state aflairs in our West India Colonies so urgent, that they have determined to send out the reinforcement* in vessels of war instead of transports; and it said that two line of ...


... and the Genoa, 74, Sir Thomas Livingstone, Bart. which is put into Plymouth, will reviously take the 7th regiment tothe West Indies. The 42d and 77th regiments, it is understood, are also o be sent out as a to the troops in the est India Islands, We are ...