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Advertisements & Notices

... o NIlason ( 5 0 Captain StsWts 0 t) Richard Cole 0 10 6 Major HCYCLs Ricbasd Alilkin 10 t6 Lrs. S. 1T5- ' 1 j Sir Wnl- Innes 22 0 Mr.G.Kcrridcet1_n 1 0 Ir .Jarn ?? O 5 0 Whimper Quf; , sM asters 0 106 Rev. Geo. Routh E Hasc l Esq. I 1 0 Mr. Bartlet O ° ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as an annual Subfcrib'er.of One Guinea. Twehty Guineas, the fame right as' an annual Sub- tcriber of Two Guineas. ?? Thirty' Guiseas, the fame right as an annual Sub- feriber of Three Guineas. Forty Guineas, the fame right as an annual Subfcriber - f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fituate in EAST HAM LEVEL, a Ihort diftasce fromn the Church, and within feven miles of London, confiftinsg of FoRTY-ONr ACRES of excellent MarflI- land in three pieces in the pofrefflon of Mr. Andrews and Mr. Node, part on Leale to Capt. Benn ett or his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~rowne, Hion. Tames Brownlow, Rt. Hln. Wm. Burgh, Rt. hon.Walter Burgh, T. Burgh, Huffey Bale, Gervaife Parker CUldwell, Andrew Cane, Colorel Carew, Rt Sleapind Carhampton, Earl Carleton,.Hugh, SoLGen. (Vif. Carleton) Carlow, Lord Vifc. Carysfort, Earl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of CLARENCer. ?? Pantomime, written, adapted pns grt upby C. Dibdin, jun. Mufic by V;eers. Ruf-. T ad Broel Scenery by Mr. Andrews, called The GREAT DeVLIL, or, 1'or erR of GE NOA, having been received with CCmoft unbb unded applaufe by crouded and brilliant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this Town, for all Sorts of CrTTLES i CORN, CHEPRE, &c. &c. and the feme will be held annually on the Tuef- day betore St. Andrew, Old Style. N. IB. Cattle Toll Free. Sipflon9 NVx-. 17, 190Z. To tbe next of Kin of MARr ROBERTS, lart of tevenrton, Berks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ti 'vill be heldat the Rulnn, Long Melforl, oh Fn S (Signed) RICHARD MOORE, Esq. ti Bnberg I[s'ath, T. lgS.GAOOCH, Esq. if ~~ 22. X~V. RAY, Esq. * IWECCLS AC ES C Tff-L be on Monday atd Tuesday the' 19th and 0 WV 20th of Septemberilext. * Capt, BACON,~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13arrels, and patent Brcechcs; ?? by Wuvrkaen of acknowledged Superibrity, and which he cats with Confidedce recoinnahud; but sub- kitit, that their Merits as excellent Shootidg Guns, can be ?? justly dppreciated, by che Report of thdse numerous ticnzluuetx ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IC-HOUSE. To be LET, and enttred upon immediately, 1.T. that~ old and -ncll.-eetahlished PUB r, IC- i HOUSE. situated in the Church-C'hare. WA'hi,.eluha Fur Particiiairs, apply to NMr Toqeph Smart, and the Miss Smarts, the OwvnLers thereoF, IWhichlam.-N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... keep 4way no heat; are to be feen ini great variety at their WIRE-WORK MANUFACTORY, Nb. 89, Holborn-hill, oppolite St.Andrew'.s Church. Alfo a large affortment of com- plete Wire Meat Safes and Difh Covers. . New-invented Ma- chine to Sift Cinders without ...

Advertisements & Notices

... illathlu o psption of, Mr. a Robert Sizer, who svill shew thc piei iis. : - The Laiid-tax is redeemied.' Tinc Estate to be 301d sub- ject ta leilse for Fonr!'een yeiars.'. - or futrter partictllirs apply to A'ir. Lake 'at Frating, ,.or, Mr. Coo, Holton. d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by Woodpecker, who wlon thie Oak- Stalcs at Epfom; at Knutsferd he walked over for a Sweepftakes of 60gs. for all Ages, (fix Sub- fcribers) which was his alft Engagement. Alfred only ruut three ioses befides tie above. He will be at Nottingham on Saturday ...