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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Yearly Rent of £S, Ss. late Irisi curretacy. Said Lands are ocecupied as followvs: Yearldy Tenants. Tenure. A. I, P. Rest Jas. Andrews -Es Lives renewable 4 £026 3 for ever (2 Llves, one 76& Robert Thompson Cite other up- 5. 8 2 9 2 j wards of 42 years ...


... WILLIAM LAMB, Chief Secretary for Ireland, by his appointment, previous to the ineethg of Parliament, to confer with him on the sub- ject of the Laos for regulating the Linen Manufacture of Ireland, In which some alterations are contenmplated by Govcrnmaent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tEAV1ElS, in the year IS26, held this day, Sa STEPHEN MAY, SOVS~a£1r, IN THE CIrAIR, JplshcrdTlat One-Fourth.f e Sum originally Sub- gcrbrl to thie Weavers' Fund, toeturned tn any Subscri- . wbo may claim the same, bE~e 1st May next, that the M, resildwI be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the year 1I520, held this day, Sia. STEPHEN MAY, SOVEREIGN, IN TICE CHAIR: Resolved-Tlhat One-Fourth of tle Suim originally Sub- scribed to the Weaves's Fun e returnod to arty Subscri- ber who may claim thc snm e Ist May next, that the _ residue be handed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... which it has been proven, there cannot remain one shadow of doubt as to its truth. MICHAEL DUFFY, Son to ANDREW DUFFYof MYNACLAYBAND, near Church-hill, County of Fermanagh, had been affected with the Cancer in his Face for upwards of two years. He had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of IBALLYrMONEY, within One Mile of BAN- BRIDGE, as formerly in the possession of ALLAN BAlR, and now in the occupation of ANDREW IIIO)PSON, cont ining J~sV. 20P. or thereabouts, Scotch Cunningham Mease ect to the small yearly hsiod terent of £2, 14s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... svhich it has been proven, there cannot remain one shadow of doubt as to Its truth. MICHAEL DUFFY, Son to ANDREW DUFFY, of MYNAcLAYsAAND, near Church-hill, County of Fermanagh, had been affected with the Cancer in his Face for upwvards of two years. lIe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNITURE 'B- AU CTION. R. & E. FERGtTSON, Vr leaving this part of the country, will, otc Wednesdat, the 23rd inst. at .Mo. 22, Hiyh.strect, C OMMENCE selling off by Auction, the whole if C their Furniture, being nearly all new, and of the best quality ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Particulars of Title, and any other informailon re- qnired, may be had oil tupplirertilo to ANDREW NEW- TON, Solicitor for the Plaintilf, Northland-row, Dttngtiau non, or 22, Capel-street, DUBLIN. (959 TO BE SOLD BY P'UBLIC AU(CT'ION, At CAMPBiELL'S Hotel, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... raade, will be Sold onl moderate terms by the Sub- DO' iber. MOet LEWVIS REFORD. tit T Gth Nov. 182S. (200 Club D FLOUR AND BREAD COMPANY. - THE SUBSCRIBtRS are requested to meet at B1 the BAKERY. ini CHURCH-STREET, onl SA- TURDAY next the 8th N mvember ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Xi69. Particula,'s of Title and any farther information may be had on application to ANDREW NEWTON, Solicitor for the Plaintiff, Northland-ron,, Dunigannon, or 22, Capel- street. Dublin. (210 STOLEN, From the Stable of JOHN Ml'NIECE, of PIGEON. TO WN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... litght |ouioullt SiL JoHN Simutaa, *st flart.Icii Sold by 31ORGAN JEL 'rTL, Bookseller, llelfat iiitw cod Arimagh. (394 gils 22, WARINCG-STRE :T. Stol FASHIIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF IABELRDASIIH V, M11LL1iNER,-ty, 1 A ND FANCY GOODE. An RS THOS WELSH, havingijttst ...