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Advertisements & Notices

... linger-size carda free ay nos;. flartey s Niew Seasons Pure Apple Jell is tiree ;fromamrtificialcol~urinp, ,t!ienaturaltintoftliefrvit only being preser-ed. Hartley s New .eon a ,Blackberry Jelly now ready-. -roat delie.i-v. dc:7 The WaORns of aCoNrSTxrTCOcuH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cherries. JAaIS.-Peach Strawberry, Blackberry, Black Ctirrant, booseberry, Plum, Greengage, laspe, and Rasp and Currant. llb., 21b., 31b. Glass Jars. I TOOGOOD & WILSON, Stockton. ne DESSERT FRUITS, JELLIES, &o., &e, APPLES.-Baldwins, Newtowns, Normandy GRAP1ES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strawberry, apple, barberry, and blackberry jams, plum, orang~e, and quince m~armalades, preserved Marslla cherries, gooseberries; greengages, plumns, moguls, damsons, and quinces in quarters, carved Seville oranges, black and red currant jelly, applet and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Preserve Fruit in Prre Water, How 0oMake Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry lWine. Rhubarb Wine. Damson WMn Plaar Wine, thenggoe WJ Ieldotberry Wine 1Mulberry Wme Applo -m. Appl Jeilyr Apple IMasmalade, ApPlo Preserve, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strawberry, apple, barberry, and blackberry Jams, pIum, orange, and quince marmalades, preserved Mdorelia cherries, gooseberries, greengages, plunms, moguls, damsons, and quinces in quarters, carved Seville oranges, black and red currant jelly, apple and barberry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine Rhubarb Wine, Damron Wine, Plum Wine, Qreeugago Wine Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wmne, Apple Jam, Apple Jelly. Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, BMsik- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damion Wine, Plum Wine, Greergage Wine. Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Apple Jam, Apple Jelly, Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pure applen in jars, aiid jelly, caivedl orailges fin syrup, ssttne sours:l green gase, apricot, raspherry, cuitrant, stralsberry,, gooseberry, blackberry anid barberry jamns blanc and red currents, ilarberry and apple jelly; green gages, aipricots, plums ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PreserveFruits in Pure Water, How to Make Blackberry lam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. ]Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Pinui Wine, Grsengage Wine. Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Apple Jeam, Apple Jelly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dressmaker, - Sorvants' Registry, St. Jamee' Post Office, Exeter. . ANTED TWO HOUSE and PARLOUR- DIAIDS, wages 612 to £14.--Appl MIr. I W. N. HiNoG. Dressmarer, Servants' Registry, St. James' Post Office, Exeter. tXPERItINCED L&UIlDEY WOMvAN A WANTED: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry lam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Plum Wine, Greengage Wine, Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wino. Apple JaM, Apple Jelly. Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cncentrated in Cadburv a Cocoa., Hartley's New Season's Pure Apple Jelly Is frees [rem actifeicia colouring, time natural tint of the fruit ,only being prevervgdl. tfactloy~s' New Season's Blackberry Jelly now 'ready;gra defliacy. Tobaceonlute' Trade.-Per advice ...