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Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry lam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Plum Wine, Greengage Wine, Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wino. Apple JaM, Apple Jelly. Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cncentrated in Cadburv a Cocoa., Hartley's New Season's Pure Apple Jelly Is frees [rem actifeicia colouring, time natural tint of the fruit ,only being prevervgdl. tfactloy~s' New Season's Blackberry Jelly now 'ready;gra defliacy. Tobaceonlute' Trade.-Per advice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fancy Goods; owner retiring.-Address, A. B. C., 19369, Newvs-Letter Office. AMERICAN APPLES AND ALMERIA G-RAPES. BE ARE NOW RECEIVING WEEKLY 'V Consignments of AMERICAN APPLES In Prime Condition; ALSO CHOICE ALMERIA GRAPES, Which we offer to the Trade on best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strawberry, apple, barberry and blackberry jams; plumi, orange and quince marmalade, preserved' morella cherries, gooseber- ries, green gages, plurns, miloguls, damsons, quinces in qbarters, carved Seville sratnges, &c.; black ansi red currant jelly, applec ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sd 1lb. New Black Curraujts, 5d; 2ib. New Gooseberries, 4d 2b. New Red CurrantJelly,. Sd; 21b. Rhubarb, 3Ad and 4d- 21b. Apple Jelly 4d; 21b. ilmarmalads, 3jd and 4d ; 21b. Raspberries, 7d ; 21b. Red Gooseberries, 4d. The very Best Canadian Cheddar Cheese ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Plum PUlP, 1 sks Apple Pulp. 22 Oaeks Damson Pulp. I Qasks of lackberry Puhl, 3 Casks of Rhubarb Pulp620 Three- Gallon Jars Currant Pulp. I8 Three-I.allon Jars PIQam Pulp. 140 Three-Gal'on Jars Damsoa Pulp. 21 Three-0allon Jars APple Pulp, S3 Three-Gallon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Make Blackber Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Plum Wins, areengage Wine, Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Applo Jam, Apple Jelly, Apple Maramlade, Appe Freserve, Vegetable Marrow Jam, Bhubarb and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... allotted to suit private families, kdtels, &c.; and consisting -of pine apple, apricot, green gage, I plum, orange, afid. quinceinarmalades rsbryaplcur- rant, strawberry, and blackberry am;peredmrellas cherries, green gages, peaches, apricots pieapesiepums ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jar; do., do., bottles, 1 lb., ls. 3d. each; calf's feet jelly,, quart, 2s. d., pint, Is. fd. black and red currant jelly, ld, and Is. 2d,; marmalade (new), 9d., in fancy glass jare, Ild. ; apple jelley, Is. 2d. JAMS, red and black currant, greengage, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,te_7487 UOW to make Blackberry Sam (Splendid Preserve), i.Blackberry Wine. Eldelrberry Wine, Damson, Wine Plum 'Wine, Rhubarb Wine, Rhubarb Jani Apple lamn Green Tomato Jam. Vegetable Marrow Jamn. Blackberry, Jelly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNUAL'CONSIGNMENT of PIZE- I. SEIRNVE1D FRIUITS, consisting of green gage, 2pricots, raspberry, currant, strawbetey, apple, barberry and bla.ckberry jarns; plait, orange, and p trnae iarrotoldos ; pre~served m orclia chrelicie, gooseberries , green gages, plhitrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itonst Beef. 414:2Z lb. N ew Raispber-ries ,74- 2 lb. Blackberry Jam, 74 : 2 lb). Black Currant Jam. 744o 2 lb.- 11 Strawberries 614; 2lb. Bramble Jam, 5i14; 21 Re.l~d Gor-me- aberryJamb~ ; Zl. pple Jelly, 5d; 21lb. Fat, 6id ; Cheene ! ChooeeIeFaeeze I-Thie ...