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Daily News (London)




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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... mith. ByJ.W.Cherry ?? 6 G Always Right. By J. W. Cherry ?? 0 t I love to follow the honey-bee. By J. W. Cherry ?? 2 0 a BloornofthelIeart. ByJ. W.Cherry ?? 0 ' Dos't you remember? By J. W. Cherry ?? 20 Shadow and Sun'hine. By J. W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forwar,~ed en receipt of a Post-i ifle order or'J ,ciic ti Od pil' Cognac I~raondy, 605. per dozen; Maras-1 ohii1.o1 Curlco01 Cherry s.. ondu, aid other forciga liqueurst. EMUCC) A ~ UT USINAL PATTERPNS-1ar MW I, VICE LI\i'l .N~X on d, ats illostratod by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XTVSR FAILING REMEDY. O 23 Dr SCOT'SBILjIOUS and LIVER PIlt,8, preparesd with- .out any Stiercurrial Ingredient, from the recipe of Dr. Scott, ?? - be found invaluable to all who sulter from blious and lbver com- plaints, indigestion, wind, spasms, giddiness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to riuitico that ce linoes of B.ARCLAY ad SONS, 9I5. Farriioglssl-strect, lootio1 fto whom Mrs. John- 4 5o00 has soldt thie recipe', arc on the stampl atixed to each bottle. Price 25. Od. per bottle. TOZEAV'S COPAHINE.-Copaiba and Cubebs i are doubtlesa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... chainsat wholesale prices. (i PA'IS ZIORELLA CHERRY BRANDY. lyG ?? most dahicious liqueur in the world. a. ?? with he D water or aerated vaters. Beware of spurious imictations. (1RAI'rS MtORELIsA CHERRY BRAINDY. G O~~~bteilnedondrsu htandinbottlesat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By W. Mov~os4s INLI). Coetoining simple It Directions fer Ith Treatment of these comsoos Disorders, Rules tor 1I. Diet, Recipes, for tiellesicis, whichs may be safety token by Persas9u saitoring from elther ofthes comlaints. Just pobishcdsric post10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT BALLADS By THE MOST EMINENT' - Monlghotecen COIPOSERS. s. d. Moonlight On the Ocean. By S. NV. Cherry ?? 2 0 B eautiful Leaves. By J. W. Cherry ?? 2 0 Truth in Abscnce. Carzonet. By E. B. Harper ?? 2 e Fading away. Song. By Miss Anne Pricker ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FronUtgnac, Contantla, and othsrrare wines. Fine old pale Cognac Brandy, eos, and 72C. per doXen. Noyan, Ma raschino, Curaeof, Cherry Brandy, and other foreign HqeAnr. On receipt of a P pst-oice order or reference, any or the above will be forwarded Immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitle S -TTIVA CAMERON.4 5 'Single or Waeised?1 &e. 'The Continuation of is 'Three complete Stories. Nurcser of Cookery Recipes and Bill of Dlare for ?? litl is lFarnilyoDinner. rao~rPoetry, Pastimes Grains of Gold. One Tiz~ Fee5 r A ?? Musiec, 11 Gratis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COOKERY BOOKS. V- Is. lt. The MODERN COOK. Large Svo volume, with I,60O n Recipes and 60 Woodeuts. l2. 2nd. The COOK'S GUIDE: and Butler's Assistant. Crown vro. in 1,100 Recipes and 40 Waodcuts. Ss. Richard Bentley, Ncw Burlington-street. TNow ready, In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hie quantity of every article necessary for the preparation of A each recipe, and the time required for its preparation, are minutely 5, stated. hlbe whole of Miss Acton's recipes, 'w ith a few trifling excep- - tions, which are scrupulously epecilied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Imperial French plums, Guimarsen and Elvas ditto, Smyrna figs, East and WI est India preserved ginger, pineapple, dried cherries, apricots, gages, green figs, Chinoi8, &c., with a variety of decorative fruits for dessert, also new currants and ris-ins ...