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... , vc Vitt aunt Torrington, John Cockburn. EN . ; Sir John Norris, Sir Charles Wager, Sir Tho. mas Lyttleton, 'Sir William Yonge and Archibald Hamilton, Efq; .commonly called Lord Achibild Hamilton, to be Comrniffioners for executing the Office of High ...

From the London Even. Poit, May 9

... the Counq ot Devon, is made Surveyor General of his Majefty's Land Revenue, in the room of Phillips Gybbon, Eiq; Sir William Yonge, Member of Parliament for the Borough of Honiton in the County of Devon, one of the Lords Commiflinners of the Admiralty, is ...


... ot the moft noble Order of the Garter, George Dodington, Eli]; Sir George Oxenden, Bart. William Clayton, Erg; and Sir Wm. Yonge, Knight of the molt Hon. Order of the Bath, to be Commifrioners for executing the Office of Trealurer ot his Majefty's Exchequer ...

From the London Gazette °deb. 6. Windfor Cattle, o&ober s. His Majetty has been pleated to conttitute and ..

... From the London Gazette °deb. 6. Windfor Cattle, o&ober s. His Majetty has been pleated to conttitute and appoint Sir Walter Yong', Sir John Stanley Bats. Thomas Walker RI ; Sir Charles Peers Kt. Sir John Evelyn, Sir l ames Campbell Bans. Humphrey Brent ...

one of Lis Welty's Chaplirins in Ordinary; the Place and Dignity of a Prt bendary of his Co:legiate Church of

... Tiverton, and the like Sum of 1 on thofc at Inandford; that for Tiverton to be clifiributed at the Ds fcretion of Sir Wil:iam Yonge, Recorder of the laid Town; and that for Illandford, of Gorge Doddington, who lives in that Neighbourhood. _ _ 'ilie antioit ...

From the London Written Letter, July 29. IS talked that the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor will refign that high

... Baylis, Knr. and Alderman of Breadfirect Ward, is appointed one of the Commifiloners of the Cuftoms, in thc room of Sir Walter Yong; Bart. cleceafcd. The laft Letter; from jimaica mention the Death of Co:. Towahend, which happen'd on the ill of June and feveral ...

Nov, acfmnid by I_Pcsoces majeny's 13rother4 the

... highwaymen near Stamford Hill Turnpike. The Coachman not,oliferving tht Highwaymens fira, agia cu flop, one of them fired his at yong Gluckman, which, by Providence, at . m Cpply 01 They, robbed him of Two Half Guineas and his Sword, and then rode off- towards ...

:Warisepited Outui in tiksaianier nip Itirs demi, far Foot ' :f.iambourg, jut O. Anikeprcfs paced alwougb here ..

... Admiralty have been to fettle the faid &Hades thus, viz William Alix, Efq; who had 2001. per Ann. to have 4001. and William Yong, Efq; who had iool. to have soo 1. per Ann. for the future. Laft Tucfday two Gentlemen • of Red-Lionftreet coming from Rochcfter ...


... Court of Canterbury., was alfo his Grace the Duke of Devonfiaire and a Caufe which depended in that Court between Sir William Yonge. Mark Frecker, Efq; and others, Who were ap- Thirteen Men of War lately put in Commif- pointed by the Parliament to propound ...

, . – – --' ~ . --.._.,,.__...-......,......---a,- – _ , ____ _ – – -...... .......•

... Scarborough - , Stephen Poyntz, Efq; whic h - is the fi n it Fortrefs they have upon the Frontiers Marlof Cholmondely, Sir William Yonge. of Hungary. The of Spain has fent pofitive Orders to the The King's Commialon appointing her moft Duke of Montemar in Italy ...


... Week. It feems, soft beautiful Girl in all France was unhap-. Thalia ' ay South S's Tr ading cek Was. 99 1 balt Old pa, to 1 Yong Fellow, whore Maly ft elt 'Maw South & a Bth9l 1 4tb. Bank 349 $ Ochs to 3 Om Ind* Countenance won her Cnfent, but Nature ...

From the General Evening. Poft, Au g . aft Qs Tburfday lift oat Treaton, a Tackle Fairer of the.Waterfide, was

... written by the Miffionatics of the Dominican Order, inform us, that in the Night, between the 7th and of Oliober dicd at Pequin Yong Tchin, Emperor of China, in the Year of his Age; that during his Reign, which began in 172 a, the Miffionarics have fuffered ...