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1 1. with two Men wh

... From the Evening Post, Jan 29. . Last Week a Gardiner at Eltham in Kent bought a piece of ground of a widow his neighbour, '. ; ought a picce ofGrou of a Widow Neigh- for the fictions above. men tioned,knowing them. hour; and two Days.after pilling down an ...

• Prom the Lonaoa l e aft Week Twenty Six of milerable People who were thriving for Trifles in White

... Smart, a VAII• ales newly decess'd in that Town, took fright thereupon, and died in a few Hours after. Laft Thorfday 14!gbt fome Carpenters that bad been working in a Hoare in Leadenballftreet, carry'd out their Shavings to burn them; and after fetting ...


... Sea. The Superbe went out to Splibead Ytilerdey, and this Morning the Leopard and The Grey. hound went., out,the Beginning of Week. So there now tea Sail of-hien °Mat as gi of which erelTbbd hilligient ft sops- with dit whale naval rower of Spain! - momilMilll ...

from have td r their other kitants vs the is y took sa,and ttend- them, a vest toed in le

... leave of the Indians aear Port SI deorte to Father when living, who had been a Lieutenant in the Ar- boild one, and were at work upon it when till* and before he was turfed olfacknowleded that he va fled a Piftol at one Mr Hunt in S t . Georges Fields ...

_ fomoDafts ft.**. – of

... took upon a Rupture between this ed the lift Year 9. Reniaining there utter Coon and the Grand Signior as unavoidable, Cute 48. lad 'fared (be Turks will bring Into the Frem Written Lettets, London. 1 4- - Men for an Expedition in Mope. The • Lords of ...

Porn Written Letters, London May

... Tooly fireet, Southink, at which the late Fire there ftopp'd, fell down; five Men Bticklayers and Labourers, being then at Work in new fronting it, where. of one received no Hurt, the Others were dange. roully wounded, and carried to the Hofpital one ...

Stones, &c. at him, wounding him in the Head, Majefty , fignified by the repeatedßclations of his yet he got

... perfctting nothing ot the Matter. this good and defirable Work W3S prevented by The Duke de Lena Son of the Marefchal Bet . - his laid late Imperial Majelty's fudden and nuwick, is expetie4 bete next Week from Spain, expcaed Death. to vifit his Grandmother ...

From the Mily Courant, Auguft ii. received Ale Viaticum at the Hand of the Bilhop Meffina, July T 5. This

... and the fame Day the Prayers of 40 Hours written in Cyphers, is brought to Town in were begun in the Church of Notre Dame for Cuftody from that City. the Qpeen's Recovery. The Ernie Day the Su- The cloa of laft Week the Lord Viccount perior Courts and ...

• At the faid Printing Office is alit) Sold, s. A Curio's Map of the World, being Ile and neatell

... rang 3 Hours inceffantiv, one of the Bell Ropes broke, to their great Difappointment. Latter End of laft Week, one Eaton of St. George's Para, Southwark, in a- Quarrel with another Man, was kill'd with a Broomilick. Briftol, Oft. 8. One Day this Week, the ...

\ Prom the Daily Courant, 20. Cencva, oa. it. Within tome Weeks pall itl)out 23 Highwaymen have been executed at,

... Spain, no more to return hither. Parir, 26. On the i9th inftant, at half an Hour after feven in the Evening appear'd a Phznomenon, which continued till twelve; during the fi rft Hour the Northern Part of the Horizon was enlightned by a Revel-bet-it - ion ...


... Treaty of Hanover, had fent Notice to 4, of the Men of War which lay off of Cad i • 'te . • be gone in 48 Hours, and to the Eve& les to depart in 4 Hours. 'Tis now faid that the Parliament will not fit for the Dilioatch of Bufinefi till tile ioth of January ...


... gate-ftreet, Canterbury, makes and fells all forts of Plate, new faihion'd Diamond Rings, Motto Rings, and other Jewellers Work, as well and as reafonable as if made at London which body but himlelf can perform in Canterbury.:' 'He buyeth any of the above ...