Edinburgh, Dec. 26

... comparifon of others, for tl which a public thankfgiving is appointed for o next week. r Another valuable fleet from the Baltic tl (the third ia the courfl oi three weeks) ar- ti rived at Hull on Sunday. I,etsreen 6o and an ° fail of fIips from the Baltic ...

!TO FARMERS, &c. TT' iRMERS and Others may be fupplied wirh SOUND SEED £ POTATOES deliverable at Leith, by applying

... CASTLE .STREET. To be S., in by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Cof- feehouse, on Wednesday teth March next, betwixt the hours ol Me and two o'clock i.fr. m.,011, nfHAT HOUSE, Ne. 11, Norrh Castle Stre-t, the pro- _L pert-,- c.i the deceased James Drummood ...


... head, and his wrif: is fo lat- ha Oy tered that he wore a brace upon it. to enable -e, hinm to work at his trade. He had ferved his - apprenticefluip as a working filverfmith, to ar as Wallis, Red Lion fireet, Clerkenwell, and t he was married foon after ...


... dejeated. About a week before, he rode out, and as the witnefs opehed the gate, Mr. Medhurft held his hand to his head and (aid, 1 0, Thomas, how bad is my head, I cannot bear toSride, I am fo nervous ? He came back in half an hour and retired to his ...


... 'hall houfey,! IZar he wanted. the family to go to bed. His wil mailfer hid before, this time ordered himi to go home hi's at: hours equally early. He accordingly wvent home, peal and returned about half palt fix on Sunday morning. lfha 16hJilft in the Itable ...

jwjJngtT! of ■rEttin&ntsji* t-.-he dilfeient Erarich'es of Ednca- ;''• .Vencd th-r ensuing S-aV. la as iol- ..

... receive Ten Guinea's, and no Race. The H -ries to be entered at M'l.aren's inn, on 'Fucf- Ladies Ordiiuii ies d ■ trine the week, and Halls as ui'iaal. Sir CHA. HAI.KiaT, i'rtfes. GEO. CHEAP-:, Efe.. ) JOHN THOMSON, ?? (. Cc ., Nc r, q . ?? 6hO. PATI' ...


... svorlddeemn pruadest, treaitedthis applica- tion'as roiiantie and confequently refufed hlis pffent.. The ?? youth, abbut f'x weeks fince, left : *Birminghinii, tbtrnbyithecontexndingeemotions of LLosve' ard.dury.'' On hisarrival in the metropolis, ,heap- ...


... LA i-l1/6E2Vcjg. NQ'x B ENg H.- ktP7,DAY, JANUARY z6. 1 INhis day tne Court did not fit much above an hour, was during almoft the whole time occupied in hear- 2~motions for new trials. A man of the name of Baker, who had. beeri eon- aided at the laftaliizes ...


... fronI a Paper of laft week. rto er Ag Y~9ii[ a aehm in Suff'olk, for a Wa~r o lx g-iine, il edef~yundertook to pick up0 300 ftonr!s, returning wmith each to the poin~t t'rom which lie flart'ed, within leven hours; but aifter fix hours violent runningr, in ...


... kept at work till twelve at night, fometimes to a much later hour. Sunday brought them no alleviatio h of their fufferings ; they never were allowed to go to church, but obliged to labdur the whole day as hard as they had * onethrough the week. For th ...


... night, fometimes to a much later hour. Sunday brot~ght them no allevfation of their fufferings; they never were allowaed to go to church, 'buit obliged to labout the whole day as hard as they had done through the week-. For their folbifeence they feldom ...


... it cane, and made them, work far beyond their firengti. d HIe kept theni at work from four or five in the morn- Y ing till elcven or twelve o'clock at night, and fome- f times till two in the morning, and fometimes they worked all night. During a part ...