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Good Morning


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Good Morning


... A.B. William Swan BO= your wife and mother were out when we called at 3, Claremont-street, Brighton, A.B. William Swan, but soon Mum came in from shopping and we got a picture with Dad and Tommy. Here it is. Don't they both look fit and happy? Tommy gave ...

Published: Sunday 22 October 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 468 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... A.B. WAITING to go fishing with you in the canal, A.B. James Topping, is your little pal Robert Ashcroft. Your father told us all about him when we called at your home in Gordon Street, Higher Ice, Wigan. During our visit a letter arrived from your brother ...

Published: Tuesday 13 June 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 143 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... A.B. Your Mum had been up early It was a sunny morning when thaL morning—it was cleaning we called in on the folk, and and shopping day—and al'4he setting was perfect. The though it was only 10.30 a.m., garden was beautiful, and there she'd done the housework ...

Published: Friday 08 September 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 194 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... A.B. PICTORIAL proof that A/B Over to Sam's home at 62, Sam Reek's girl friend has Windermere Road, Stockport, received the submarine brooch and there we found Mother, that he fashioned and sent to Mrs. Reek, in the garden with her. 'My only decoration ...

Published: Thursday 27 July 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 561 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Mine's a B and B

... Mine's a B and B A man was asking a Jewish friend why he called his new house The Cloisters. Vell, it is like dis, replied the Jew. Ve are cloister the buses, cloister the trams, cloister the tube, and cloister the synagogue. ...

Published: Saturday 26 February 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 131 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... CALLING A.B. , ...

Published: Friday 20 April 1945
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 3 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... Believe it or not, the scrugreat excitement when a man officer of the Service played a tineers spent three days look-• was seen clinging to a buffer floodlight on this daring solo ing through 50,000 magazines,' of a passenger train, travelling turn, and then ...

Published: Monday 27 March 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 865 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... too. Ken, we had) a delicious cup All's well at home, Ken, of coffee which your mother and all send their love. made for us. She is keeping Good Hunting ! BIRCHALL-OLWYN'S w fE'VE gut a very impor- love letter tant message for A B ...

Published: Friday 03 March 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 277 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

A.B. Bill

... this: Up in the morning for an 11 a.m. breakfast. Bit of a change from 6 a.m. wakey-wakey,'' he remarked. Mid-day—phone Audrey at her office in Spring Gardens, Manchester, to Make plans for the evening. Audrey is a shorthandtypist, he explained. Meet ...

Published: Sunday 09 July 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 237 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... operate by means of an ordinary percussion cap, a small cartridge or a flint arrangement similar to a petrol lighter. Powder may also be ignited by touch paper cr a long taper and this method is often useful when a large sized flash is ...

Published: Sunday 14 January 1945
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 449 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... A.B. JOHN COLLEY wE were seated in your home at 1 Ellmsdale Avenue, Blackley b Manchester, when in dashed young red curly-headed Dennis with a cat in his arms. NEWS FOR YOU TO-DA Y He put the cat down and In fact, your news from said in a ...

Published: Friday 25 February 1944
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 223 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... A.B. ERIC PARKER- Here's a dancing memory HERE you are, A.B. Eric of luck. We only know her Parker. a photograph of first name is Heather. two you have not seen before, Have you heard about the and one only twice. We called canary Joey? He ...

Published: Friday 24 August 1945
Newspaper: Good Morning
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 307 | Page: 1 | Tags: none