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Advertisements & Notices

... their sRoms, Pialla, Covent garden, In the month ofMay, T HE Matchless COLLECTION of ENGRAV- T INGS ofall the Actors and Actresses fromt thaearliest-period to tbe present tity, including all the rare prints after Sir Joshua Rteynolds, iiogarlh, Zohdty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gardeir, or, 'Tuesdaiy hexl, Altay 8, arru ?? i2y t'wle r 'E1 Matchless COLLIECTION of INRV T1.INGS of oil tule Actors arid Actresses iron, hisealetprido fits preseilt day, Iincludiitg all tire crre p;1 rile alter Sir .1n is enls Hsgurth, 'Lotfsrty, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Covent Garden, ors Wed- u of resday, Jutre 8, at Twelve _ A Verf curious COLLECTION of ENGRAVINGS its, t]L of -le Actors and Actresses, from the earliest perlod to the pre sent day, marry of thet atter Sir Joshua Iteynolds. Hosarth, Zpttany, 1ich and olher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itosii, Piazzat, Covent Garden, on Wed- nesday, June e, at Twelve, Very curious COLLECTION of ENGR.AVINGS At Te Actors anti Actresses, front the esrliest period to th~epre- zsent day, matty of them after SirJoshua Wenld.ILgrh and oillier artists of celebrity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inemoera of the Royal F. amily, Peers, and Illustrious Persons, Lawyers, Divines, Anti. quirrlans, Dramatic Authors, Actors and Actresses. Paltnters and En- gravers, and Remarkable Characters. Among which are numerous prI- vat pltes c~efy pose; lagoassmblgeof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the Itoyal Fa- milly, Peers, and illustrious Persons, Lawvyers, Divines, Antiquariaiss, Dramatic Authors, Aclors and Actresses, Palinters, asd Engravers, anid reminatable Characters ; among swliih are numerous private plates, rhie'lly pofs ; a large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cove'nt Gardeis, on Wed- nesday next, ianq!9 , atTuvelve, AVery curious COL1LECTION of ENGRAVINGS ACLof the Actors and Actresses, from the earliest period to the _pre- Bent day, many of them after Slir Joshua Rteynsids, Hlonetb, Zoffany, addothr atiss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with scarce Portraits, and many other Engravnrgs of curious objects, DRAMATIC TABLE-TALK; or Anecdotes and RMiea ?? and Actresses, Dramatistsn and Theatres, Ancient and Modern. By RICHARD RYAN, Esq. Prefaced by a Discourse on the Science, of Acting, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PortraIts, Lad notny other ringrrarngs of curious objects. flRAMATIC TABLE-'TALK; or, Anecdotes and Relics of Actors and Actresses, Dramastits and Tbeajres, ancient and moders. Bly RtlHAUilD RYAN, eq. Prefaced by a scourse on tbe Scteaof *ctlfe-, by TALMA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... searce Portraits, and many other Engravings of tclvotos objects, DRAMATIC TABLE-TALK; or Anecdotes and Relies of Actors and. Actresses, Dramatists and Theatres, Ancient and Modern. By RICHIARD RYAN, Esq.. Prefaced by a Discourse on the Science of Acting, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... scarce Portraits, and.:many other Engravings of carious objects,, DRANATIC TABLE-TALK; or Anecdotes and Relics ?? I}aid Actresses, Drafnatist9 and Theatres, Ancient and Modern. By gICHARD RYAN, Esq. Prefachd by a Discourse on the Science of Acting, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Portraits, and many ether Engravings of curious objects, ..1 AcIATIC TABLE-TALKs; or Anecdotes and Relies of Actors t.ibl and Actresses t Dramatists and Theatres, Ancient and Modern. By * AiICHARDFRYAN, Esq. Prefaced by a Discourse on the ScienceofActing, Lby ...