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... have been hastily run up out of American calico, watched a coffee-pot on a charcoal fire. Chairs and tables were placed for the customers. One of the musicians played a violin in the fashion of the Italian street minstrel, holding the instrument across ...


... the orchestra. This assumed a pitch that threatened the existence of the soc.ety. The American members aecused the Germans of aiming at the destruction of American music: upon which Dr. Ritter declared that it was impossible to destroy what did not ...

The Theatres

... The programme included a variety oftnovel sact of horsemanship; the songs, se., ?? S ohousern Minstrels, Messrs. Woolcot, Rob- ?? er, and Kingii their American national. ties and Ethopian entertainment; and, lastly, a ?? e8trian pageant, execrted by esisht ...


... strolling minstrels did find their way into Persia; they were called Luri, and are described by Firdusi in terms which might equally well apply to a band of English Romanies. The word ' Luri' is still used in Persia for strolling minstrels or vagabonds; ...

A New Year's Wreath

... Christmas- eve, the lover makes his appearance disguised as a minstrel, and, of course, his services are called into requisition. The feasting is renewed the next day (Christmas-day), when the minstrel is again present. He recites or sings several ballads, most ...

A New Year's Wreath

... F4 eve, the lover makes his appearance disguised as a minstrel, and, of course, his services are called into requisition. The feasting is renewed the next day (Christmas day), when the minstrel is again present. le recites or sings several ballads, most ...

The Theatres

... proffa-e included'a variety of tovel a cts of h orseMansp; the songs, &e, Iof the Southern Minstrels, Messrs. Woolcot, Rob- bins, Parker, and King,in their, American nationali- .ties and Ethopian entertainmet ;` and, lastly, a -splendid euestrian pageant ...

The Theatres

... programme included a variety of novol acts of horiemsship, the songs, &c., of the S outhern Minstrels, Messrs. Woolcot, Rob- bins, Parker, and Eing,in their American nationali- ties and Ethopian entertainment ; and, lastly, a splendid equestrian pageant ...


... which is drawn , by Monsieur Boutusy between English and l American ideas of government on the one hand, and the political institutions of E-ance. Widely though the English Mlonareby and the American Republic differ in many respects, they are much more closely ...

The Flower Gatherer We cull the choicest

... Prestonpans and Cuiloden, and hba spoken to, and had wine with, the Pretender. He served on the side of the royalists in the American war, and was at the battle of Quebec, where General Wolfe lost his life at the moment of victory. He served on board a man-of-war ...


... 'T'einple-avenuej THE FATE OF CHIN7A Tn ' Thb- North American Revient Mr. Demetrius C. Boulger writes onl The Dissaolution of the Chinone Empire: the Rev. 3. P. Jones, DI).. Mis'ionary cf' the American Board, at Madara. South Ilui._, in * British Rule ...


... the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes, Bat ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite - Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring ...