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... sugar, toast, and erab apilples';-e~ven -the-fr~uit trees and cattle- -ti were wassailed'* then there were Christmas minstrels and- ci 'fti-e ies 0' CIof Whiich!-haypassed away, leaving but ai el faint shadow., behind. The gatheringohll for the leor ...


... itave got ths mnucle for I he Di man's hoe in thie pictuire ' lt is neither lEnglish, ra 0 Scntch, nor Irish ; and if it is American, it is prn- au 'Obahls-, like thre man bhiaiseif, the result of a pause pr in thle process of evolutiotn. Mat - ~ The~ Likeness ...


... by hook-readiers. The incidents the -of the pocus are based on hisitorical facts, anod ine Fel- deal with the story of the American loyalists ito rs whchse to remint under English ruln at the et It a close of the Amnericau TIer of Independence, thr kin ...


... 7Arnold's' something, not ourselves, that makhes for righteousness. (7) New Poems. Mr John Payne is one of that band of modern minstrels of unutterable woe, who sit upon the E ash-heaps of burnt-out desires, tuning their t harps to as minor key, sadly singing ...


... chapter on miining ind}ustrics, and opens the subject of '4 Fisherics and Pisciculture. The wrork is an adnurable example of American priuting. Messrs M'Cerquodale & Co., Cardingten Street, London, have published a second edition of A llan?,dbookl of P-aitn ...


... often bore their readers. A Patrner from the West. By Arthur Patterson. (London: Chapman & Hait)-It is a pleasure to read an American story so direct and simple as this ene, and so free from philo- sophical cast and irritating suggestion of the author's superior ...


... but not to! he mencicsned in the saime breath with America. W~e do not condemn Mr Champlin for being of this opinion-as an American he6 is quite eistitled t;o hold it-but we confess that we feel blut little sympathy with renegade Britons who l have nothing ...


... Germani Italian, American, IGI and Oriental dishes, and the housekeeper who I ea likes to make experiments in the culinary art pri will in this little book find much suggestive in matter. the That monumental work, .Canvbrian Minstrel- his s-e, which ...


... th o and an assassin and blasphemer by trade. When le, ). he lost favour with the Italian Government the in y Irish street minstrel seized the opportunity at once, G I arid came out with 'The Downfall of Garibaldi':- B It ?? 'You Roman Catholics now attend ...


... security for the gains of I llaour, and under which it is as possible for a i peasant's son to rise to high position as in the! American Republic. . . . The human pro- l duct of Chinese civilisation, religion, and I government is to me the greatest of all enigmas ...


... intelligible equality, a1 [ belowr which, however, they always remair. hi ?? is not unlike the language of British Pi r asti American Hegelians tn-day. But ii o frder to rahthis idea of equality we a: r mast go out of ourselves and ture to an invisible ...


... Blakemore. Blakemore, however, is too prudent to fellow in the footsteps of Mamnders deceased, and he dangles after a dashing American heiress, Florence Storey, whois doing Europe with her mother. Florence has another ad- mirer in John Mendenhall, the heir ...