complaint of the continued ravages of his eledoral dominion*. This prince bath lately (ignified, that very ..

... at Soinerfet-Koufe, in fitting up in elegant manner, apartments in chat palace, for the reception of his Serene.Hklmels Ferdinand htuafwlck, who is foon expefled here from Geruupy. The Eaft India Company (hipped laft week their Teamen at 35 s. per month ...

Published: Monday 13 December 1762
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1619 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... April 2. The Couat de Firmfan, Minifter-Plentpotentiary from the Rmprefs-Queen Lombardy, is gone to de- in marriage fot the Archduke Pcter-Leopold, the Princefs Maria-Beatiix, -daughter the hereditary Prince 'Mo- , dena. Berlin, April 9. The King is extremely ...

Published: Wednesday 27 April 1763
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4391 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

.„ |aft arrived One Briti(h PACKET, which brought Suice our .. the Foreign Mai , due foreign INTELLIGENCE. ..

... republic of Genoa; and we have likewife report that there negotiation on the carpet tor ceflion-of the Kingdom of Corfica to the Archduke Leopold; but upon what terms don’t yet know. Franconia, July 19. 'Hie Margrave of Anfpach, immedi lately on his return from ...

Published: Monday 15 August 1763
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1614 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

LONDON, Apiil *4. The Hon. Houle Commons did not break up till pad two o’clock morning j *44 Member* were

... Chcftetlttld, fet out from thence for England the ill this month. They write from Vienna, that the marriage between Archduke Ferdinand and her Highnefa the Piincef* of Modena was made publ : c Milan the 19th ult. A letter from Senegal mention*, that a ...

Published: Monday 28 April 1766
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 546 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... Chairs placed for the Imperial Family ; facing the Altar an Edtrade, with two Chairs of State, for his Royal Highnefs the Archduke Ferdinand, Chltfid with being the King of Nuples's Progy. to take, in his ajeity’s Nume, the Archduchefs in Marriage ; and a listle ...

Published: Friday 13 May 1768
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2238 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

B.ncc cur laft arrived three Englith Packets, which brought tiie Mails from Holland, France, and Flanders. Cif ..

... Apoftolic Majefties, - for the eventual fucceilion and the inveltiture of the Duke of Modena’s fiefs, in favour of the Archduke Ferdinand, and his defcendants, and in cate of oxiinction, to liscollateral heirs. ‘T'be comitial lettors for that purpofe are ...

Published: Tuesday 19 February 1771
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2747 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Ouchels of Cumberland arrived in . that City trout Verona on the ill of November, and. were immediately viftted the Archduke Ferdinand, and his Serene H'ghncfs the Duke Modena. N’otwithKanding their Royal’ HighnefTcs travelled through the Tirplefe the ...

Ay e e Sy s From FRIDAY Decemser 10, 1o TUESDAY Deczssgn 14, 1773

... Duke and Dutchefs of Cumberland arrived at Milan from Verona, on the Ift of Nov. they were immediately vifited by the Archduke Ferdinand, and his Seresie Highnefs the Duke of Modena. Notwithftanding their Royal High- | nefles travelled through the Tirolefe ...

Published: Tuesday 14 December 1773
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1824 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Petcrlburgh, May jy. Conl’ee nence the Turks being in Motion, the Generals Suworow and Karkinflcy have paffed ..

... Frederick Brunfwick. 'Tbtir Royal HighnclTes the Prince and Princefs Ferdinand Pruflia went lall Wcdncfday to Fredericksfeldt to ,i', the Summer Stafon. June 3. On lad his Royal Highmd.iKe Archduke Maximilian, who travels under the Ti,|e of Count de Burgau, arrived ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1774
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 310 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

From MONDAY, February 6, to WEDENSDAY, February 8, 1775

... Vicar of It Gc. died here lat Friday ‘The Dignity of Vi which brings in 7000 Sequins per it will be given to the Archduke Ferdinand. Warfaw, Itis faid that feveral | ters have been intercepted, by it is difeo ed that fome deteftable Plot is again carryin: ...

This Pay i* puhiifhr.l,

... \he Arctiduke and Archdut of Milae, whofe Daparture from is fixe @he 19th Fienna, Ofober 1%. Theis Royal. Highs Dim Archduke Ferdinand the Archdurehe: Yellerday Morning; Retur They going by the Way of ‘Tr and Venieo, and wilt probably not grrive at M ...