•'♦f„ ■> * ordered our Imperial, Royal, and Arcliiducal Seal to affixed thereto. in our City Vienna, the i

... the Romans and her M.ijedy the Empred Qjecn of Hungary and Bohemia. And on the part the mod crene and mod po’-en' prince, Ferdinand the lixth, by the Grace God, of Spain and of the Indies, the Lord Don James de ima y oto Mavor, Lord of the Bed-Chamber of ...

Published: Sat 18 Feb 1749
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1733 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

E N C E S- From TUESDAY September the 28th, to SATURDAY October the ad, 1756

... Vienna, Sept* I-alr V' cJneulay Morning the Regiment ot Foot Dcthlccm, that arrived here the Nightbeforc, was reviewed by the Archduke Charles and Peter Leopold, after which they continued their March to join the Army that is a trembling in Bohemia. The fame ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1756
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2466 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

V'D LIII; F u E's O

... other Detachments *awn IrooTthe fevcral Rcgimcnis, having under Orders Baron Kolbe. Colonel of his Royal W'g the Arch ; duke Ferdinand’s Regiment. The Army has received Orders to hold itiell Readinefs to march. the Fth, his Excellency the Commander in Chief ...

Published: Saturday 09 October 1756
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 828 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

From TUESDAY March the yth, to SATURDAY March the nth, 17^8

... may know clear where to fix the Praife or the Blame, Marfhal Daun to command in Chief; and that it is doubtful wheth the Archduke Joleph will go to the Army or ni Upon the Exchange of Prifoners, his Pruffian Majef offered to accept the 16,000 Saxon Troops ...

Published: Tuesday 07 March 1758
Newspaper: Pue's Occurrences
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 889 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

DUBLIN COU R I From FRIDAY April the 25th, to MONDAY April the 28th, 1760

... his head-quarters at Freyberg on the sth, when every thing was ready for opening the campaign. Berlin, April 10. Prince Ferdinand, the king’s brother, will, it is laid, command at Stettin, in the room of the prince de Bevern, who is to head the forces ...

Published: Friday 25 April 1760
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1198 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

T H D U B LI N C O U K From MONDAY June the 9th, to WEDNESDAY June the nth, 1760

... brought the following advices. They write from Brullels of the 26th ult, that the ftates of Brabant have agreed to prefcnt the archduke Jofcph, on his marriage to the princefs Maria-Elizabcth of Parma, with 60,000 florins. their foe, as every feature, limb ...

Published: Monday 09 June 1760
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1904 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

o u From MONDAY Augiifi the 4th, td WEDNESDAY Augufi the 6th, 1760

... the Seine to Brcft with rtiip timber. A difpenfation has been demanded and obtained the Pope, for the mi (carriage of the archduke Jofeph with the princcfs Parrria. Tuel'day an exprefs arrived over land the Eaft - Indies, which brought an account that ...

Published: Monday 04 August 1760
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1923 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

at Bund'ku' vvtfit’. levcn oihoers. ™ SiteSAueuft 7. / Nordhcimne fofcfed horfe,; 4 The army quitted f)alwitz ..

... deftmed tor M. ral Werner, who took from him 300 prifoners, Broglio’s army, had cut the in pieces, and part of whom are the archduke regi fcattered the contents. A French poftillion msnt of dragoons. It is faid the count dc was taken at the llanc time. ...

Published: Wednesday 27 August 1760
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1376 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

D U R. ADVERTISEMENTS and SUBSCRIPTIONS fpt this Paper, are.taken in by JAMES POTTS, Printer and Book&Ilcr, at ..

... near Brellau, rcgen. Laudohn near Canth, fell into the of gen. Werner, who, on this occafwn, the regiment dragoons of the arch-duke jofeph, cut to pieces a coafidcrable ! part of it, and took offices and 370 men piifoners. 'Gen. Caramelli is faid to be ...

Published: Friday 12 September 1760
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1572 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... wc are obliged to as if it were fumner. Marfhal Broglio thought he (Hould be to give his troops fome reft, after prince Ferdinand laid afide his defign againft Gottingen, and the late encounters at Hciligenftadt ai-.d Duderftadt, but the motions which ...

Published: Monday 09 February 1761
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

D U BL I N G O U k. I E From WEDNESDAY September the ad, to FRIDAY September the 4th, 1761

... that general is levying fnch exorbitant contributions as muft utterly ruin all the cm !- try he pafles through. Prince Ferdinand (orcfecir.g the great did refs already brought on the inhabitants, keeps as clofe to rnarlhal Broglio as polTible, the two ...

Published: Friday 04 September 1761
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1809 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

pepemper the 7th, 1761,

... the Minifter the Court Swe4cn. arrived hero bii return Vicniu. the £mperor having appointed Bun Precatotoc to the joung Archduke Joleph.' . Lelge, Nov ai. taltiijer/quadro#! of the Gendarmerie arrived here toe rBih, otitheir tolhe winter-quartery afligne ...

Published: Monday 07 December 1761
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1972 | Page: 1 | Tags: none