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Newcastle Courant

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... Effects of the said Bankrupt under the said Commission, pursuant to an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act to amend the Laws relating to Bankrupts; atid the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tATHJEREAS a C~ommlission of Bankrupt isaward. ded a issued fbrth against THOMAS IIEEL, of Gateshead Low Fell, in the County of Durham, Dralper Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt b hereby required to surrender himself to the Coinmissioners ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Northumberland, Boot and Shoemaker, Grocer and Provision Dealer, adjudged Bankrupt on the 24th Day of August, 1869. An Ordler of Discharge will be delivered to the Bankrupt after the expiration of Thirty Days frym- this Dat,, urless an Appeal be duly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *l, Collingwood Street, Newcastle. A T this Oflice Information may be obtained of A every Bankrupt and Insolvent in England, from the Year 1665 ; of Bankrupts in Ireland, and Sequestrations in Scot- land; also, of Assignments, Trust Deeds, Compositions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... August, 124. ?? ?? WITHERFAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awardetl Vtmd issued forlji against J OSEPH I RANSON, lite of Sunderland near the Sea, in the County of Durham, Curvier, and be heing declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender him- self ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E4ate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; to authorise and emnpower the said Assignees to execute any Letter of Licence, Assignment^Rv - lease, or Deed of Cornposition, in Relation to any Debt or ebts. due to the said Bankrupt's E-tate, and, it neces>;ry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --Latest Markets. PAGE 6.- Foreign Intelligence.- General News.--Marine In- telligence. PAGE 7. Advertisements.- Markets.- Bankrupts, &c.- Foreign Mails. PAGE S. LO i~ew.-Sorti~ ?? News. -Imperial Parliament. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the same Day, at the cut Bankrupt Commission Room, in the Royal Arcade, in New. the castle upon Tyne, is Order to Audit the Accounts of the As- signees, and to make a final Dividend ofthe Estate and Effeets dei of the said Bankrupt, svbeit and where the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Effects of the said Bankrupt tinder the said Coin- mission, pursuant to an Act of Parliament made and passed in the sixth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act to amend the Laws relating to Bankrupts, and the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the irst Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to submit himself to be examined touching his Estate and Ef- fects, and the Creditors may then and there vote in the Choice of Assignees; and at the second Sitting the said 'Bankrupt is required to make a full ...


... Parliament. The TVerwentwater. - \grirultural : —Nortliumbeiland Agricultural Society's Annual Meeting. Sporting Intelligence. Bankrupts, Ac. Foreign Mails. PAGE 3. Original Poetry (edited by Orpheus) Memories—The Almighty. Select Readings. Artistic and Literary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... District News.- Latest Markets. PAGE 6. Foreintelligence.- General Newvs.--Manine In- PAGE 7. Advertisements.- Markets.- Bankrupts, &c.- Foreign Mails. PAGE S. N 5w.-Sortig Itellgene.-L~alPolice News. -ADarlington Divorce Case. ...