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Advertisements & Notices

... MILL, NOXTRTUMBERLAND. HENRY GILPIN Has received Instructions from the Assignees of Ann, Crawford, laper Manufacturer, a Bankrupt, TO BELL BY AUCTION, On the Premises, Wirdeon Piiper Mill, in the County of Northumberland, ons Wednesday, Thursday, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all ctins m said bankrupt will be required to an ub~tlat hitselg to e examined touching his estate and fcithes, and the credi.. tore ]may tlcee an~d there vote, in the choice of assignaeca. and at thle second sitting the said bankrupt wilt be re' quired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Day of October IL next, at One ?? in the Afternoon, to reccive Proof of Debts, and take the tinal Examination of thce said Bankrupt. JOHN THEODORE HOYLE, Solicitor to the Assignees. 72, Grey Street, Nwcreastle Tyne, 10th Sept., 1852. OBSERVE! A REWARD OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATIONERS, & BOK$SELLERt.S. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRA.CT, (By order of the aesignees of Thomas Thompson, of Sunderland, a bankrupt,) T7HE valuable and extensive STOCK, consisting of 1L two printing presses and apparatus; a first-ate as- zortment of type ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Court will sit on the 30th day of September next, to receive proof of debts and takce the final examination of the said Bankrupts. GEO. WM. CRAM, JOHN THEODORE HOYLE, Solicitors to the Petition. Creditors may prove their Debts by affidavit, which may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of May, on the premises, Don Alkali Works, Jarrow, T rHE valuable and extensive STOCK-IN-TRADE of IL Thomas Bell, Esq., a bankrupt, comprising a large quantity of manganese, gypsum, scatch, sulphate of ammonia, bleaching powder, rook salt, peat ash, &a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Friday, May 30 and 31, and June 1,1865, THE whole of the extensive and valuable STOCK- T IN-TRADE of Thomas Bell, Esq., a bankrupt, comprising Manganese, Gypsum, Soutch, Sulphate ci Ammenia, Bleaching Powder, Rock Salt, Peat Ash, &e., Amurican and Memel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'clock in the forenoon, Fj1E stock of CHINA, GLASS, and EARTHEN. 11 WARE, belonging to the estate of Duncan Microger, a bankrupt, where it will be removed for ceonvenience of sale. Royal Arcade Salo Rooms, Newcastle. 'TO 11111K MANUFAUEURNl11S, BUILID)Ei1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &c., at No. 13, WEST STREET, GATESHEAD, Mr WALSH and Mr NEILSON Lave been instructed by the assignees of Mr C. Dixon, a bankrupt, to SELL BY AUJCTION, On the premises, No. 13, West Street, Gateshead, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, March 14th, 16th ...