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Advertisements & Notices

... are c ,disused chalk pits, and axe in some Placs 150 feet ar eph O the little girl pointinig to a tempting' ciluster of, blackberries,, the nusse, tried to reachI~ Cthoem, and fell over the cliff. 'Her fall wa~s broken. 11 by 'an eolder tree, from which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'The llUfoad, Qthering Wild Brese, Convaleeoent Feeding the Docks,' luatla Angler, The Cottago kureo, The Blackberry Gatherers, A Shady Nook, end Windiog Cotton by BDrktl Foster; Grardfatber'e Conceit. Hi. FIrel WSage., 1Threading ...

Advertisements & Notices

... md R.A.: The~ Swing, The Hill Road, iGathering as WildB Rose Tce Cottage Nurse, The Seaside Swing, 1 - The Blackberry Gatherer s, The Rustic Bridge, ?? Time, and Al Shay Nook, by Birket Foster; ?? Maggiore and nLake Nisidi' (the prize ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R.A.; French and English, The Hill Road, Gathering Wild Roses, The Cottage Nurse, The . S Sea Side Swing, The Blackberry Gatherer, The Rustic Bridge, Milking Time, and Shady Nook, by Birket Foster; Grandfather's Conceit, His First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Landseer, R.A.; French and English, The Hill Road, Gathering Wild Roses, The Cottage Nurse, The Seaside Swing, 'The Blackberry Gatherer, The Rustic Bridge, Milking Time, and Shady Nook, by Birket Foster; Grandfather's Con. coit, '*His First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gathering Wild Roses, A Shady Nook, The Con- by I valescent, Sunny Dreams-Spring, The Cottage Lot Nurse, This Blackberry Gatherers, The Cherry L Feast, Tbe Hay Field, The Fern Gatherers, Sea the Side Swing, The Old Vica rage, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dutch, German, and American fruit grow ers. A!l the gooselxbrries, rapberries, strawberries black currants, damonsS, and blackberries used by mre are entirely English-no foreign whatever beine used-and, to prove that the quantity is not particularly smnall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dutch, German, and American fruit growers. All the gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, black currants, damsous, and blackberries used by me are entirely English-no foreign whatever being used-and, to prove that the quantity is not particularly small ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CnMunt 40 Dozen Ilb. and 21b_ Jars of Raspberry. SO Dozen 1lhb and ?? Jars of ftrawberry. 60 Dozen 11b and 21b. Jars of Blackberry. W Dozen L lb. and 2ib. Jars and lb. Giss-Bost1 of 'ack CurrantL 60 Dozen llb. and Zh1% Jars and 31bh Gbns Bottles of Plan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... signled ARTLEY E 'S C BLEBR ATE D PRESERVES. Pih Stone Jams Plum, Qd. each. 21h ,, Raspberry and Geebem, Is. eseL 21at ,, Blackberry ls. each. ab. B. tvaberry. . id. eacdL d PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &n. Prince of Wales Theatre.-Smetbin'. New, Posterity. Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ART LEY'S CELEBRATED H ~ PXLESERVES. CASE PRICE3 FM Stone Jan Fn=, 9d each. 2!b. ., REspberry and Gooseberry Is. ea. it n Blackberry, lo each. Zib. ,, btrawberrv. 1. Id. each, a PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &C. Royal Alexandra TheLtre.-Pygmalion and Gailtea; Comedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l4apaul.5 J J ART LEY'S CELE3RATED CASH PBICIIS f7h. Stone Jars Plum, Sd. each 1l4 ,, atrpberry and GCooeberry, Is eact Z1h. Blackberry, I& each. BO * btnwbaerry Is. e. eacef PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &c Royal Alexandra Theatrc.-Fedora. Prince of --alcs Theatre.--A ...