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... Involvement B ® PRIZE blackberry Hannah Reeve is as light as a feather — or rather Mr Edwards said: *‘lt was a super day and the atmosphere was marvellous. We wanted to involve families as much as possible and I think we achieved that.”’ Certificates ...

Time for mushrooming and making bramble jam

... Time for mushrooming and making bramble jam I NOTICED the first of the blackberries this morning; they were forming on the thick clump of bramble growing in the unused avenue of limes behind the Big House. Several of them were even fully formed and ripening ...


... decorated with fruit and flowers from Capt. g)uncomba’s garden. A special and effective system had been introduced this year of blackberry bramble, which formed an effective addition to the decorations with its clusters of black and red berries. A half holiday ...

n tidy up s of ge by rain

... cutting out old fruited growths. Carefully preserve the new growths, thinning out weak ones and tying in strong wood. *Treat blackberries similarly as soon as the crop has been picked. Maybe I am a bit greedy, but sometimes when tying in the new growths I tie ...


... crops in general are very light. Such a backward harvest has not been known for years. The hedgerows and hedges abound with blackberries, sloes, &c., the woods with nuts aud other berries; but owing to the dull wet weather and the absence of sun, a large number ...


... advisability of an attempt to improve the English blackberry by cultivation, and thus to mtroduce to the Old World what would practically be a new and luscious fruit, There is no reason why the blackberry should not be as amenable to the improving treatment ...


... are laid on sand in trenches about two inches deep. Tip cuttings or layers can be obtained just in the same way as with blackberries and loganberries — by bending down and pegging the tops of the current year’s growth into moist soil. After rooting, the ...


... scent of new-mown hay : July then comes with ripening wheat, Garnered 'mid August’s blazing heat ; September’s next with blackberries sweet, Aud slowly-shortening day ; October brings the nutting-time i November gives us fogs and rime ; December rings the ...


... district—just the place for bird-nesting in the spring, for flower-hunting and hay-making in the summer, and for nutting and blackberrying, corn-carrying and apple-gathering in the autumn. In this extremely secluded and thoroughly rural district is a benevolent ...


... commuuion table were the words, ** He filleth the hungry.” The pulpit was tastefully decorated with flowers, moss, ferns, and blackberries. At the south corner of the chancel stood a sheaf of barley. On the reading desk were the words, * Thou openest thine hand ...

The fruits of good pruning

... six leaves before fruit is picked. Winter pruning — prune leaders to a sound bud, spurring back laterals to three buds. BLACKBERRIES, LOGANBERRIES AND HYBRID BERRIES: Remove old canes after fruiting and tie in new wood. For really detailed information ...


... seven years of age, son of Mr. Wm. Crane, clicker, residing in Dyer's End, went out in the Doddington ficlds to gather blackberries, and on his way home he was enticed by another boy to go back. While in the fields they by some means got parted, and the ...