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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)


... Bradley. Cleopatra in, a StriirgAttitude. Tales from the Field' Ama. - ?? Wives.. provinlalJiournallsm. Notes On Spain. The Blackberry Gatherers. Table Talk. Dr-awn by H. Paterseon. =9U.toX Toes ther with Chapters VXXVI. to :VIII. of a Ner Story LOVE THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EcELWOW PAflE Oblong sto, Ma0.Wt uealetg If ?? ad ews arollha ?? would hae writte sotingvr ie* h npe.' -B O21bhc iAN. THE BLACKBERRIES. Thrtyetibf1 -hnoraThaines noloisby E. o2 Res RLR Ots. This~~~b th ?? ngoil sfi 'of ommical ?? w-A e te of G fzn. the West ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a Hacinth. 3d. The Christmas Party. Id. Thc Set-lolpers. 3d. The Children and the Sage. 3d. GENEBAITY AND GRATITUDE. The Blackberry Gathering. ld. The Ytory of a Daisy. Id. ADoll' tStory. Id, Louis DuvaL 3d. Cal]ThornE'sevene. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Whenstra, and Mr. James Fernandes; mdagm Sophie larkln. h. Peach, Kate Borke, &ct COMEDY THEATRE. Tare EvaEtNo, at 8, BLACKBERRIES. Miss Alles Atherton and Willie Edonin.-At 9, TURNED UP. Messrs Ltton Sothern. CharlesGe oves. Alfred Bishop Morton Selton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lanacus; a chef 'syeof We~g nior of the Synao gue of Amsterdam, a cepital Witte; abeauttiul head of the Countess exh, ?? fence; Blackberry Gatrrs ant and byeaiu oflMortand; a tine work of B.Weat engae :Shakqoemr.loa leoi XIV. cljcaofomou be 're;Wed at M. Nao ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wove~ey Em~v SgilS er. Siters ilton, Lily . inda Verner, r N. Benmett, ad ett Verno. (307!EDY TEATRE TuE EveneneG. at 8, BLACKBERRIES. Miss Alice Atherton mud Willie Bdouin.-At 9, TUR.NED UP. Maeers. Lytton Sothem Charles Groves, Alfred Bishop Morton Selton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F'Uler ldellsh J. !WheatMn, and il. James Fernandes; Meswae Sophie .Ia~d, ; Peah &zeRrkc COMEDY THEATRE. TaS EvENG, at 8, BLACKBERRIES. Miss Alice Atherton and Wfillie Ediouin.-At 9, TURNED UP. Messrs Lytton Sotheen., Charles Groves. Alfred Bishop Morton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grahame nud Greae Baring. ROYALTY THEATRE. Sole Lessee., Miss Kate Santley. Manager. Mr. Willie Edouin. To-NrGLr, at 9, BLACKBERRIES-At 9, TURNED UP. Miss Alice Atherton; Misses E. Brunton. Zeflie Tilhury, Maude Millett, V. Bennett, Eroily Dowton; Messrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and, Orb~d-tret brethe LARGMT SELECTON of Pi( ±)rNNEZ BEES in al tastes, at alrc Attentiors is directed c9 o the Tournay, Blackberry, Chanmty, and Wild-tlower eets, from th B311is.Sd., complte ±0! & AocovjUns3;8, or12 monfth f de. sired. 15peroent~disc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -LAT 8 NIGHFTS of the ?? at this Theatre. -TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. a New ante Original Muosical Coinedy-erauins entitled BLACKBERRIES. iss Alice Atherioas Cha Ea t e nhow Girl (wwth so I. At , a ILet! ard's F ISicAl ComeRy, TUNED Up. a ?? as Bones the Underaker ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grahame and Grace Baring. ROYALTY THEA&TRE. Sole Lesosee. Miss Mite Santley. Manager, Wr. Willie Edenin. TO.NMRarit at 8 BLACKBERRIES.-At 5 TURNED UP. Miss Alice Atero; Misses E. Branton, Ze8~e Tilbury, Manude Mtiiett, V. Bennett, Emilv DontdIDe; Messrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FfOrchardestreet, tan the LARGEST SELECTION of DiMNNERSLiT~inal3 tastes o l prices.Attention is directed to the Toourzay, Blackberry. Cbhily n Wl-loeu=tfo 14. d, comulete for 12 AcoontlsS, e, or 12 months if de. aird.lsezcent. dirooet for ca~sh. ! AUTION ...