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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



South West, England


Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

B A T H. TO be' SOLD by Private Contraft,— A Mefluage or Dwelling-Houfe, on the Weft-fide ef BURLINGTON- STREET,

... Fairly Mr. Durravan, -fen. Farmer Blackberry Mr. Hodgklnfon, Farmer Stubble Mr. Pindar, Jemmy Jumps Mr. Durravan jun* Rundy Mr. J. Aihley, Giunfellor Flummery Mr. Taylor.— ——Louifa Mifs Sh.irrock, Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight, Molly Maybulh Mifs Brett ...

T/is Day nuas publijhed, In Two Vol.. t imo. price Six Shilling! hound, THIRTY. THREE SERMONS. i- Stlfcleii ..

... Taylor, Farmer Blackberry Mr.WilHatn- fon, CV.i. Dormer Mr. Rowbotham, Fairly Mr. Marfhall, Rui-.tty Mr. Biigs, Oounfcllor 1 lumnierv Mr. Atkins, Jemmy Joiiijis Mr. Flliflun. Molly Maybulh Mils Go- bell I .outfit Mifs Herbert, Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight ...

TEttfKPSBURr, GwcBirBHSHiHB. JOHN WJLTON, Bookfeller and StatioVier, (fuc- J ccfthrto Mr. Harwarp) imprcfled ..

... - - i 0 0 LOT IV. A pieceof Paflure Land, called Forked-Ajb, containing a 0 0 Tbier pieces of Pafture Land, called the Blackberries, iS 0 0 And a piece of Arahje Land, called Lime-Kiln Paddock, ft 0 0 Lots 1 and 4 (except the coppice in lot 1) arc in ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... native growth 01 Great- Rritain, particulatly rf Urauet, Goofeberries, Cur rant*, Rafherries, Mulberries, Elder Ileuses, Blackberries, Strtw- heniei.Dewhei 1 ies. Apples, Pear,, Cheiries, Peaches, Apricots, Quinces, I'lu rib-, Dam'afcens, Figs, Rofes, Cowflip* ...

SOUCHONG TEA. A LOT of curious high-flavoured Souchong Tea is jull received from the Eaft-India Company's late ..

... Andthelmoeui by Mrs. Smith. To which will bi added a Mufical Entertainment, call'd THE FARMER. Valentine Mr.lncledon, Farmer Blackberry Mr. Sex, Col. Dormant Mr.Rowbotham, Ruridy Mr. J. Afliley, Fairly Mr. Durravan, feu. Farmer Stubble Mr. Pindar, Counfellor ...

SALE of BLACK LACE. BLACK LACE, for Ladies' Hats. Cloaks, Bonnets, &c. &c. of all breadths and qualitias • ..

... Taylor, and Jemmy Jumps Mr. Durravan, jun.— —^jly Maybulh Mil's Brett, Louila Mifs Sharrocle, Landlady Mrs. I'9K and Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight. Tickets to be had at the Libraries • of Mr. Bloomfield, at Mrs. James's, Union-Paflagc, Stall-ftreet ; of Mr ...

ANY APOTHECARY o: reputable nnd well- > it .1 bulinefs, who is difpnfttl lo take an AP- PRENTICE, may

... native growth of Great Britain, patticularly of grape,, givlberiits, cmraiit., riil-titits, mulbeirii>, cl.ltt bt rries, blackberries, llrawlni- ties, t-.thenits, app'e-, p irs, cherries, ptacht , apricots, .pin ia. plumhs, d i-naltini, figs, rofes, cowllip ...