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East Midlands, England


Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Garden, &c. ad- - joining, - - - . 0 3 16-4 0 19 3: d S. Round Mleadowr, Wil. Dloore, 8 I 23 fr t Shamifield, - - ' 4 1 11 at Blackberry Field, , - 6 0 1-18 i'35 4. Boselei's 0eadow . Richard Bull, 2 1 19 * Brassairhli';'Field - - - S 30-S t 15 n) S. B;i Meadow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cow Pastirre, wiilu uG,:den, &C. ad. ~C joining. . - - t ?? e, Round Weadow. Wim. Moore. 8 12 , Shawuelde-d' 4 11 i et Blackberry Field. - 6 0 1-18 9y 4. Boswell's Meaksw, Riekaird 134511, ~Ii ?? lirasork's FielId, - 2336-.51 13 . it ileadowr or 'n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Banker, out of Nerissa, by 'WoefuL. Sir. Platell's c f Toujours, by Smyrna, out of Tantot's dam; Mr. Eouldsworth's br f Blackberry, by Sherwood. Mr. Charlton's b f by Negociator, dam by Filbo da Puta9 f. grandaam Beningborough. Sir George Sitwell's b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... out of Nerissa, by:AWoeftil. of M1r. Platell's e f Totujoure, by Smyrna, out of T-ntot's daam ce 31r..flouldsworth's br f Blackberry, by Shcrwood.. il Ir. Charhton's h f by, Negociator, dan by Filio da PLIna grandam Beninghirdugh. cs Sir George Sitwell's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. BIMAREY, is T the Stables at SWAtKSTONE, near Derhy, on in A Wednesday the 10th day of October, 1832. In COWS. LOT 1.-Blackberry, incalf. 2.-Agnes, ditto. _ 3.-.-..Shiidey, ditto. 4.-Dairymaid, ditto. 5.-llosanne, ditto. 0.-c.lteerful, ditto. 7.-Tenmperance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on LRTnulUSDAY the ELFVFNTii day of October, 1832, (and not on WVedneaday, the 10th, as before advertised.) CONWS. LOT 1.-Blackberry, incalf. 2.-Agnes, ditto. 3.-Shipley, ditto. 4.-Dairymaid, ditto. 6.-Rosanne, ditto. ii.-Cheerful, ditto. 7.-Temperance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT the Stables at SWARPKSTONE, near Dcrby, A TO-3InOROw, TssuitsDn.y, the ELEVENTH1 day of October, 1832. COWSI. LOT I.-Blackberry, incalf. 2.-Agnes, ditto. 3.-Slhipley, ditto. 4.-Dairymaid, ditto. 5.-Rosanne, ditto. fi.-Cheerful, ditto. 7.-Temperance ...


... magnificent petticoat, embroidered tch the under sleeves and chemisette. A cape line of 9wiss straw, trimmed with bunches of blackberries outatde, and the aame Inside, mixed with stiaw ornaments, and coques of black velvet ribbon, with long en floating over ...

Advertisements & Notices

... German, and f American fruit-growers. - All the gooseberriee, raspberries, strawberries, blaok cur- i, rants, dameons, and' blackberries used by me are entirely English-no foreign whatever being tred-and to prove that the quantity is not particularly small ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tons; blackberry, 100 tons. .They oan be bought from ready-money groeers in two and three-ponnd stoneware Iais, at the following prices :-Goseberry, 6d. to 5id. per 3ib, iraspberry, 6d. to d,; strawberry, d to 6id,; blwk cuerralt, Sjd.; blackberry, 6&d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cc, Amoricait fr uit-llCowere. lay All the gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, black cur- ld- rants, datnsons, and blackberries nued by nue are entirely English-no foreign whatever being uned-and to prove that the quantity is not particularly small ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mnake is:-Gooseberry, 300 tons; raspberry, 800 tons; en strawberry, 200 tuns ; blaok currant, 400 tons; damson, c00 r; tons; blackberry, 100 tons. They oan be bought from er ready-nioney grocers in two and three-pound stoneware ;y. jars, at the followilig ...