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Advertisements & Notices

... present the bold attempts of - e Catiolics to procure emancipation; a late daring attack cipan the Royal Prerogative;, but above all the fallacious but too popular sentiment that the Roman Catholic Reli- o gion is changed, that its persecuting spirit is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the prceent : the hold attenspts of the Catholics to procure emancipation; a late darin4 attack ! u!pon the Royal Prerigative; but above all the hIliaciols I lut too popuIlar selntinment that the Roman Catholic Reli- g on is cihanged, that its persecuting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... propriety than the present: the bold attefnpts of fe Catholics to procure emancipation; a late daring attack upon the Royal Prerogative; but above all the falacious bft too popular sentiment that the Roman Catholic 'Reli- gion is changed, that itsepersecuting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... than the present: the bold attempts of she Catholics to procure emancipation; a late daring attack ii-an the Royal Prerogative; but above all the fallacious bta ioo popular sentinitat that the Roman Catholic Reli- gion is changed, that its persecuting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... country ;t with respect to Ireland, and'to the. general tenets and 'spirita of the Roman Catholics in that part of the empire. . ' IF 3. That the claims of the Roman Catholics, together witht the principles and rights of the Protestants, ought to be grave- N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J1E 1,t S to the V:ito Lord Kenvon, slnd LE ITTI1SS of the Ri-ht Hon. NILLIAM Pl l[tc tllis MA3i STY GEORE(RE III., on the Catholics of Ireland, with Hi, .M;iiestvys Ansver's- now first ptliib5hed from the oriflinai ,1SS., with a Fa -simile Letter of His ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tess shus trssc ain, it ss I at Ba To 5, Sel Ed Mt , tot the r m0 n3 f ?n I a f 1) I PUBLIC AMEETING AT LEIB | Sya CAtHOLIC EMANCIPATION. J i, h-Yith. ?? JA29. T. E, 1thel ithlesigned, findliog that itte r T_ ti.- ?? .- I u t ae iO kng inthds town1 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... elders have been injustly deprived of. In recommending agitation, the author cites the fact that the Roman Catholics of Ireland have emancipated their Church Y by that means, and is of opinion that a similar appliance would r procure a reformation in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and that we shall direct all our effirts to reap the full beneit from the happy change. As I am now on the eve of being emancipated like your. Iselves, I come forward to redeem the pledge I gave to you last year, of offering myself as a Candidate to Represent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... time Captais GCrdose opiosed thce Catholic Chlams as much as he did the extelesioee of the Elective Franchiss; and at the eleventh leosrr le astonisheil his cosstiteelnts by a vote in favour of Catholic Emancipation. Withint es eueclih briefer space tee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Single -Glimpses of the Western Corner of Fairy Land- Lockhares Life of Sir Walter Scott; The Conclusion- Benthamisms; No. I. Emancipate your Colonies-Ser- geant Talfourtd's Copvright Bill-Trafalgar, by the Author of Corn Law Rhymes; and other Poems-Po. litical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... their political tights andt rivileges, are as indispen- sable now as they were when en lorcing emancipation RICH. in 1829. wit of l 2. That in no way can Catholics manifest their tilt' Ilea co operatiomn hut by Wnoin amuog themselves, anti I1IS. by vwarmly ...