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Coiitt of 1 1 4eysbutili. Fi rhele regoin,he reit it his duty. to support the amendment, as leading, to an

... from report, but, if he was sightly informed, there had, already been a differeme in the Cabinet, on the question of Catholic Emancipation. With regard to the next part of the Address, respecting the Maritime Law, in his opinion, we ought to know the justice ...


... the two countries.- As to the queflion refpecding the Roman Catholics , of Ireland, it was one on which he thought himfelf competent to fpeak. All he would now obferve was, thar the Roman Catholic body were not anxious to lift under the banners of that ...

Published: Wednesday 04 February 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5904 | Page: 3 | Tags: News 

_ _

... to . overlook several obstacles :i to - the, Union at the time be gave it his support—namely, the emancipation of our fellow subjects..-he Roman Catholics of Ireland—was likely to be abandoned, as no mention had been made of it either in. the Speech or ...

Published: Wednesday 04 February 1801
Newspaper: Oracle and the Daily Advertiser
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1965 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... inconvenience of the Union, that there had already been a division in the Cabinet on the question of granting emancipation to the Roman Catholics of Ireland. Ano. ither questionable object ; of, the Address was that which related to the maritime law. We ...

Published: Wednesday 04 February 1801
Newspaper: Oracle and the Daily Advertiser
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 554 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... such an effeft was likely from it. He had heard that a divi. Mon had existed in the Cabinet upon the suhjeft of the emancipation the Catholics. Ihe next ques. tion referted the speech from the throne, and upon which should to the address, w'as that which ...


... been whirpered that there had been already a di vition of featiment in the Cabinet Council with refpeCt to the Emancipation of the Irith Catholics. On that part of the Addrefs which related to the difpute v.ith the Northern Powers, on the filbjea of the Maritime ...

Published: Wednesday 04 February 1801
Newspaper: Star (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2594 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... refult of that collilion of opinions which has been ftated to exift in the Cabinet with refpe& to the further emancipation of the frith Catholics at the prtft nt moment. The queftion is now left general for the confideration 6f both Houfes. The Archbifhop of ...

Published: Thursday 05 February 1801
Newspaper: London Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 591 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

mol.fst or 'commpss

... Seflion thould laa: - ..referred to. fincerity. Something had been laid, he obferved, it. Adjourned. relative to the emancipation of the Catholics of Ireland, but he did not think th-t clafa (if perforrs . would think themfelves much indebted to the other fide ...

Published: Thursday 05 February 1801
Newspaper: General Evening Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2334 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... paffage from Martinique to Jamaica. Notwithftanding Mr. PITT'S ftrenuous exertions in the Cabinet, for the Emancipation of the Irifh Catholics, it teems to be the general opinion that he will be obliged to give up the meafure ; others in the Cabinet, ...

Published: Thursday 05 February 1801
Newspaper: Star (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 572 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... resignation was revived yesterday evening, and the cause was stated to be, the opposition in the Cabinet to the emancipation of the Catholics, and the repeal ofthe Test Aft. We know not that this rumour rests upon better grounds than the last report of ...

Published: Saturday 07 February 1801
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1704 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Yeb, 5-1

... Genera The report of Mr. Pitt's refignati vived yttlei.lay evening, and the Ilated to be, the oppofition in the the emancipation of the Catholics, a peal of the Tell Ad. It is not ki , ow rablour retie upon better grounds th. report of a fimilar nature. It ...

Published: Saturday 07 February 1801
Newspaper: London Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1186 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

POSTSCRIPT. .314211Ra/1Y AFTERNOON, Fdruary 7. Lon Don

... The Earl of Clare, the Chancellor of Ireland, is at the head of the party which is for delaying the complete emancipation of the Catholics; but doubts {till more ferious and equally difficult of folution have occurred in the higheft place, whether the ...

Published: Saturday 07 February 1801
Newspaper: Whitehall Evening Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1055 | Page: 4 | Tags: none