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Advertisements & Notices

... Pedepulists of thc World. Liverpools Favourites, VOLTI AND RAY. Tbc Foostar, Humorous, and Descriptive Comedian, MR. CHARLES CHAPLIN. _ Scrom! Week and Enortnous Succes of . MI i SS I A B E L ALLEN. T.( icadieg English. Irish, and Scottish Ballad Vucalis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pedepulista of the World. 1 Lire ?? Favourites, J V OLT A AND RAY. The PFoolar, Hulorous, and Deswriptiee Comedian, ] MR. CHARLES CHAPLIN. Secnrd Werk and Enormous Success of Ml I SS M A B E L A L L E N, Tbe leodilog English, Irish, and Scottish Ballad Votalis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERVICES, BRASS SERBS, FIRE BRASSES, MEAT SAFES, EN.[AMEJLLED WARE AND JAPANNED GOODS. AT C OM A P T O N H O U S E. Re CHARLES CHAPLIN JOHNSON, Boot and Shoc Manefacturcr, 71, High-street, Hemel Hempstead. Lots 3 and 4. being the whole of the manufactured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cured. 28; relisved and at own request, 8; made out-patient,; S t; dead, 2. Remain ID the heuse, xea. Trreaseurer, Charles Wilson, Req.; chaplin, R4V. eI. Poole; house surgeon, Mr. B ?? Rawdon, junlerheulla surcee;n Mr. a. B. N4ash- visitors, P. F. Finns, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... performed Shakspeare's Tragedy of Hamlet .. ?? Mr. Charles Rean. - The Ghost of Hanmlet's Father ?? Mr. Stuart. ?? Mr. Gray. Polonias ?? Mr. Baker. Laertes . ?? Mr. WV. Howard. Horatio ?? Mr. Chaplin. I OsrickMlr. W. H. Bland. The Queen ?? bliss Cleaver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and applause, w ep on *ntadTuesdanet \ HIaPRESENT SAT R r 2t 84 be performed the Musical Drama of >\ \ ~~NO! GeorgeMr. Chaplin. I Frederick, Mr. Barker. Commodore Air. Baker. I Lady DoubtfulMrs. Baker. Maria ?? Miss Grant. )\ After which, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joln Louis Prevost, Esq. Charles Johnstou, Esq. Samuel Smith, Esq. John Towgood Iceuible, Esq. Le MlarchantTlhonmas,Esq. Jno. G. ?? Lefevre,Esq., F.R.S. TRUSTEES: John Deacon, Esq.; John G, Shaw Lefevre, Esq., FB.S.; Charles Johnston, Esq. SECRETARY.-A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... post-paid, 0. P. at the Printers'. TO COACH IAKEIhRS. W ANTED TO P IRCHASE, a Second- Hand ONE-HORVE COACH.-Aply to Mr. CHARLES MOSS, George and Dragon Vaulto, York- strect. FRINGE TRIMM AR8 WANTED. T5WO or THREE/YOUNG WOMEN T win the above branch. nood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Propr0eCi he B4TRI a RE-OPEN for a short period or SOLE MANAGEMENT, THIS PRLSENT S U AT Dv 26th on which occasion Mr. CHARL K N and dis ELLEN TREE, of the Theatres Roya Covent Garden and D urhLshe, who are ENGAGED for a FEW NIGHTS, willr xjetheir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uider 'The Court of Chancery (Ireland) rlegitlation -lt, 18d0a , see. 15. eic ti'1r1 of WILLOUGHBY CHAPLIN NE WTON l'1 flNI:Y IRY O fULTON. 'Executors of CHARLES ?? lLters, Deceased. Petitioners; The Right Honsurable THOSA 'l11A(eauN, hec Majnesy's Attor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. Barker, and Miss Grant. To conclude with th'e Melo Drama of ELLA ROSENBERG. Rosenberg, ar. Stuart; the Elector, ir. Chaplin Mountford, Air. W. H. Bland; Ella, Mrs. W. H. Bland; Cbristine, Mrs. Baker. fUEEN'S THE4T R WILL OPEN Scj FOR THE SE 0lnON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... performed Shakospeare's Tragecdy o T HAMLET. Hamlet ?? Mr. Charles Kean. The Gheot of HamleL's Father ?? Mr. Stuart. Claudius ?? Gray. Polonius ?? ir. Baker. Leertes ?? Mr. W. Howard. Horatio ?? Sr. Chaplin. I Osrick 1 ?? W.7L Bland. The Queen ?? Miss Cleavet ...