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... that I - LESa wake and fill. 'i'hei shkalt perceive the a to simple shows, the delicate miracles~ of earths, I Danuelineous, clover, thoenemerald grass, the earhy~l ai of 'sets and flowers,I rs so The arhutne under foot, thme willow's yellow green, a! le ...


... Mr C. Jacoby. . Mr. Orrock shows a striking picture 'of his own t(o. 263) cci 'the ri~ht of the entrance, Lo'aar Mors, Pui.m- fries. On the left Miss Clara iontalba has ia, beautiful river scene,' The.. Thames at Chelsea, and Un the River Deyli Sehiavoni ...


... respectively F. W. Coleman's Summer Time, a charming composition of children and flowers; and The SThree Fishers,' painted by C. Napier Henry, R.I. An article showing sound critical acumen tdeals with The Subjects of American Paint- ings, the writer ...


... contention. Another ire very interesting map is that which shows the he principal abbevs, priories, nunneries, and friaries he which existed in England at the beginrning of the er 16th century. It shows that there were fully I1 300, exclusive of some dozen ...


... knowledge of the best authorities and his skilful and iadi- Cleieus use Of these, shows himself very competeat le to survey. Travelling with the sun frem Chiia A to Peru, he shows that cosusical symbolism was 7 the great ruling principle of the arclaitectural ...


... pictures show the same land. ScarD inr varied aspects due to the atmlosphericj chanRes. ,I Winlter the scene is presented with ties laud boundi Up u snow anD iIc, and1 skating and other *w.inter sports ar being el nga ed jin. Spring` shows ploughiuog ...


... Cut flowers, arranged for effect on tables measuring 8 feet by 3; feet, were one of the featuresI of the show, and in the contest for supremacy Mr Joseph Dalgaruo, Daniside Cottage, Aber- deen, was first in an open competition. His table showed a variety ...


... Aberdeen. Smesl*-PFLowER SHow. -The annual show of the Striaetin Horticultural Association was held on Saturday, in a marquee on the - same field within the Strichen Policies as the agricultural show. The judges were:-For flowers, fruit, and veget- ables-M ...


... Cbrystal. It is dainty if lot great. On the same wall is a Charming landscape by Cecil Lawson, Don Saltero's WE alk. Old Chelsea (No. 34), for which we are indebted to M1r A. J. Kirkpatrick, and under- neaths is a small) pensive subject by Hugh E Cameron ...


... speak on she subject, shows that it claims of the higher criticism ; >. ino wy pedce te place of is telTetmninheCrsinChurch, I iv while Professor Ryle, in a, very frank sermon is on IThe Voice of the Spirit of Truth, shows t, how grea~tly the Church ...


... Selection which show that he I has hopelessly misconceived its meaning, as indeed a man with his mental training could hardly help doing. A more important case refers to the quotation from Mr Huxley on p. 180. Dr Stirling is endeavouring to show that Mr Darwin ...


... painted, and the red and green flowers of ?? dlainty hat maltseteilimig notes of colour, while in the c orner to the right is a band of gold against the buildings vwhich has distinct value -without being obtrusive. Chelsea Lmnba.nknmleit ' needs no artistic ...