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EACH WED.. THUR. & SAT. Chelsea Flower Show (Mar 26 to 28) To LONDON (Padan.) Pershore 7.57 a m EVESHAM

... EACH WED.. THUR. & SAT. Chelsea Flower Show (Mar 26 to 28) To LONDON (Padan.) Pershore 7.57 a m EVESHAM 8.8 am. Moreton-lnAtacsh 7.32. 8 31. •9.37 a.m. 1973 Chloe on Saturdays) To OXFORD Pershors 12.28 p.m EVFSII.AI/1 11.39 pan. ...

Vale Produce at Chelsea Flower Show Borough Personalities No. 43.—MISS J. M. SOMFORD ANOTE which reamed me too A C

... Vale Produce at Chelsea Flower Show Borough Personalities No. 43.—MISS J. M. SOMFORD ANOTE which reamed me too A C ED with the big task of late for inclusion last week -a: supervising the forthcoming revealed that the National issue of the new ration ...

LOCAL EXHIBITS AT CHELSEA SHOW Local grown asparagus. cabbage, :au:Mower. spring onions. radishes and possib:y ..

... EXHIBITS AT CHELSEA SHOW Local grown asparagus. cabbage, :au:Mower. spring onions. radishes and possib:y broad beans and tomatoes will comprise the Vale of Evesham Horticulture: Group's contribution to the National Farmers' Union's stand at the Chelsea Flower ...


... —Members or Winchcombe M.I. bent by coach on Thursday erk to London. where they visited th: Houses of Parliament and the Chelsea Flower Show. On arrival at the House of Commons the Arty of nearly 14 members was wet by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gurden, who reside ...

District News

... Brighton. and Master Michael Luckett a member of the Cubs. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.—Members paid a visit on Thursday week to the Chelsea Flower Show. They travelled by coach. MOTHERS' UNION.--Members attended the Worcester Diocesan Festival at the Cathedral on Tuesday ...


... January 1 and September 1. The minium contr.Oueon is reduced front 245. to 20s. The N.F.U. Market Produce Show Society's stand at the Chelsea Flower Show this year will include nearly a ton of homegrown tomatoes among the produce to be exhibited on the stand ...


... EVESHAM SUCCESS At Chelsea Flower Show Mr. R. drone Puma of Cho& bury BIM House. liveriliam. received an award of merit for his Euryops Evans il. exhibited as a hardy dowering and foliage plant for the rock garden. at the Chelsea Pkywer ...


... 13 no longer the only asparagus, but it still has outstanding merits, and not only in our own 19th annual show but also at the Chelsea Flower Show has given evidence of its continued supremacy, ...


... January meeting at the Village Hall. Arrangements were also made to join the British Railways outing to London and the Chelsea Flower Show on May 24. Suggestions were made by members for the 1962 programme. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Partridge. Mrs. Morris. ...


... wickham. Willersev and Wickhamford. The president. Miss Beale. announced that arrangements had been made for an outing to Chelsea Flower Show. Members were asked to make articles for the stall at the garden meeting. The coffee morning had been very successful ...


... DUMBLETON FLOWER SHOW. This annual show of dowers, (vim, sad took place an Wedoenday in the pleasant It.. ton garden, at Dornbletun. The w-etlirr was ad 00111 d 1 * denimd and there was :6 lair, att.-Mu m Mr.. Eyrev, with her kindly threw op.a k w ...