... on the body of the de- ceased- Early on Thursday morning WtrLItAr GiesoN, Esq. thie Coroner, ar- rived at the sign of tile Flower-dc-luce, in tte village of Widdinlton, Essex, and at twelve o'clock the fury were sworne The Jury then retired to view the ...


... of May would come? and I told her it was l a long while yet; and ?? said, Because, when it comes,I you must go ant get flowers, and I will have the chimney I sweeps into the drawing-room, and I'll dress myself up and dance with them. I said, Oh, ...


... forgetting toy duty to ALXtGHTY GoD, have committed the detestable sin of incest, by contract- ing marriage, or rather the show or effligy of marriage, with Mary Anne Taylor, the sister of my late wife, and thereby bare justly provoked the heavy wrath ...


... order of the Directors. These certificates were signed by C. Vaux, the Secretary to the Company. There was no evidence to show who this Mr Vaux was. Lady Ansoit had, through Mr Alderson, endeavoured in 1825 to part with her shares, but could not dispose ...


... concurrence of the inhabitants in tbe views of the S clty, anu their deterinationr to favour so humane a pnjr rt In their flower. Mr. Booker's nroact~t ann~ltr.- I hy all the means tO LUiC.I l. p L JsIIiu- toun totheLoid Mayorits, that hisL'rdshipwoo ...


... twelve months, during which period he behaved witls mildness of disposition ; was tenacious in his pecuniary dealings, al. Ways showed a disposition to pay, and an enraged and an in- sulted feeling if pressed for money. He exhibited great . lovingkindness towards ...


... you would be as good a judge if the bird happened to be a gander. (Laughter.) MORE FRAUDS OF MoNsY-LnND8aS.-Another case, showing the atrocious frauds committed by advertising monev4lenders, has been developed in tbe.examinatio4 of a person named James ...


... a judge if the bird happened to be a i I gander. (Laughter.) BOW-STREET. a' MORE FRAUDS OF MONEY-LENDERS.-Another case, I showing the atrocious frauds committed by -advertising' money-lenders, has been developed in the eraminationlof a person- named James ...


... a jidgeif the' bird happened to be' a' tgander. CLaut'Aer,): ,. : ?? MORE FRAUDS Or MONEi LENDBRS'-Another case,. showing the atrocious frau'ds conumitted by advertisin4: monev-lenders, h'as been developed in the'exam'ination'of a person-' named ...


... in the mayoralty ?? Copeland, brought forward the mate, who stated distinctly that the white man who was among tbe, savages showed the most oetermined resolution not to leavc the society of the blacksl and that flushing the young loan's taste was so tnuch ...


... up to them, but not till then. BOW-STREET. IMroRTANT TO PAwNsRoKERS. - Mr. Ashman, pawn- brokei, of Long-acre. apspeared to show cause why he refused to deliver, zip to -Mr. Hollings, a surgeon, residing in ,the Whiteehapel road, a saddleatid set of harness ...


... committed forl trial. TsE: VISITOP 'O THEn QutEE.-A man, very respectably' dressed, named Thomas Flower, living with his family, in I Caroline-street, Chelsea, was charged before Mr. White with an assault upon two police constables of the B divi-' sion.-This ...