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... Chair beinr fuffocated with Rage. , g From Mitt's Weekly Journal, March 5. Towcefter in Northamptonfhire ' Feb. A Child being found killed in the Fields Dear this Town' great Search is making after the Murderers, and it has been difcoveed, that it belonged ...

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... Digtionary. The fame Day the Coroner's inqueft late at ltlington on the Body of a Child or 14 Years of Age, which was found floating in a Pond there. 'Tis laid the Child had been beaten by her Mother a Week or two before; whereupon !be went out of the ...

From the London GaZette, May to; From on board his Malefty's Ship the Torbay in Copenhegen Road, Aptll 26. On

... Poll& Gentry who have but one Rolfe 'Tis faid the King will review them himfclf. 'Tis confirmed that Count de St. Gilles, who killed Count de Vitzthum in a Duel, made his Efcape on the ift Day of lifter, in the Difgoife of a Footman. The Relations and Friends ...

\ Prom the Daily Courant, 20. Cencva, oa. it. Within tome Weeks pall itl)out 23 Highwaymen have been executed at,

... Guilford. There beng 3 Women working in a Field, law a Rabir, which they endeavour'd to catch but could not, they all being with Child at that time, one of the Women has fince by the help of aMn Midwife been deliver'd at feveral times; of fomethinv in the form ...


... Field, and teeing a Rabbit, purled it, but to no purpotk, this created in her filch a Longing to it, that the (being with Child) taken ill and mikartied ; and from that time,fhe bath not been able to avoid thinking ofßabbits. Cadiz, OLI. 22. We have Advice ...

From a London Written Letter, April to. ONE Mrs. Penelope Aubin, Author of feveral and -oth.r l'eces, by which the

... Aiurder Of Bali in the Mint in 1725 John Thompron, for Fe:lory and Burglary; and J. ne 'Aidtbury, fur the Murder. of her Child. This at Noon, South S Stock 97 ; Rills. South Sea Annuity TO; 7 Aths. frt . Or7tn. lute per Cent.. An. maity 89 i half. Illnk ...

--111 F-

... A#houfe. in Holborn •. a young Woman, the Ship is not t:ulged, and if fhe continues fp ; Schmitt in the Houfe, being with Child by a we Ripe to get Ler cff when the River is freed neighbouring Drawer, and the upbraiding him from Ice. for Neglett, he took ...

- From the Evening Poft, May I. , Ycferday a Servant Woman at the CoaCh Wive to be Lett,.

... but the Child was not to be found. She is howchurch-freet, London ; and returns every ever pofitive as to the Voice, having ask'd the Toasty, Thurfday, and Saturday, to - the Perron to whom the Arm belOng'd, what.the King's Head in Canterbury, kill Michaelmas ...

Frem the Whitehall Even. Pcift, July 3. Eft:rday at the Sittints of the Court of King's at Weitminfter Hall, before

... feduce and get her out of Town, to prevent her Teftiloony upon the laid Tryal, by Promiles to maintain her and her Husband and Child in the Country for 4. or Months. It was ailedg'd in Favour of the Defendant l among other things, that the took the lidd Crooke ...