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... hailed thy coming on. Brave Christmas l merry Christmas I Then roared the cotters chimney loud, Then roared the hearth in palace proud, And rich and poor were gay. Oh I sons of English soil, once more Welcome brave Christmas, as of yore; The open hand ...


... Christmastide come round, Again will Christmas chinies resound; s Agatn will hapw children come e 'lo spend their olidaye at home. While joyous children full of glee Dance round the sparkling Christmas tree, And Christmas music fills the air, There sits outside ...


... the Christmas Number of an illustrated paper. I was tremendously proud of being as engaged, for I was but a mere lad in Msy teens, and by no means a brilliant youth. Nevertheless I was intrusted with the writing of an article about Christmas, and my ...


... 000 to 800,000 Christmas letters are added to the million odd per week passing through the office. In fact with all the snow bloc-ks of last Christmas the postal delays were not so great as those 2 caused by the dense fogs of Christmas 1891. The iacrease ...


... people burdened with Christmas parceiss~ van loads of Christmas trees Obstruct the traffic invarious street. whilethegreattoy emporiums of Broadway, Twenty-three street. and the Avenues. Ora brilliant with the gliow and glitter of Christmas offerings. The markets ...


... OLD CHRISTMAS. Oln Christmas, Ioliy Christmas, with thy gay ard Jocund tbco, 1let hoIIyrtbtantfh arid misletoe thy ruddy temples grace, Come circie roubd the feotive boas d while winler iows do fall, Theou'rt *thI awelcomie pasite in cottage and In hall; ...

Column for Christmas

... its course lied rolled, And brought blithe Christmas back again, ' With all his hospitable train. Domestic and religious rite Gave honour to the holy night: a On Christmas eve the bells were rang;, a On Christmas eve.the mass was Sung;* ct That only night ...


... AN IMPERIAL CHRISTMAS. Christmas Eve in the Imperial Burg, mays our (the Daily News) Vienna eorrespondent, was very different this ier from the fdte which the Qrown Prince Rudolph used to dercribein past years, some- times with-his- own 1~en for publication ...


... any doubt as to the correct derivation of this jaw-breaking word. v SPORTING ANECDOTE, -A boy and his uncle go out at n Christmas to shoot. . Boy: I Ruppose, Uncle, I may pop at anything I see. . Uncle: Yes, my boy, fire at nearly anything. As the ...


... Voter, ba( The Crossing-sweeper, or Our Christmas Tree, by John ant Gilbert, where the countenance of the poor child. wvho in the bes cold night air ia wistfully surveying through a window a happy got Christmas Interior, is suggestive in the extreme, ...

Column for Christmas

... by heathen change Long may Christmas rites remain, In renewing which we range Childhood's flower-paths o'er again. And, oh, minstrels of our isle; With the music of a rhyme, And the sunshine of a smile, Welcome merry Christmas-time I VIEw Or JERusALEm.-The ...


... CHRISTMAS PUBLICATIONS. the day wear on, and show us the form ' Old Father Christmas looming more and inure distinctly the mkiwinter there is plentiful growth of appliances do benour intellectually and socially, well as materially, to the holiday which ...