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... THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES. THEATRE ROYAL. The pantomime-that time-honoured and (to many) indis- pensable ingredient in the pleasureable associations of this festive season-has been produced this season under the aus- pices of Mr. Calecraft and his able ...


... This section of books should not be eje becase of not being so elaborately bound and ornamented as the bigotted imbecile Christmas tomnfooleries, called by spe- cious and seductive names. Amongst the Christnas publications of Dr. Daffy, and Ur. Mullany ...


... FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS. Church decorations and social festivities unite I in the creation of an extraordinary demand for flowers at Christmas, and commercial enterprise is not wanting to provide a sufficient supply. This year, however, salesmen complain ...


... pleasant thing-now!- Five years leave passed and gone, bringing ima-y a, change to the characers of our tale. It is again Christmas night. The Willards aae to spend it at the manse, the master ofi which is none other than the Rev. Charles Morlaw, who has ...


... CHRISTMA.S BOOKSN. Publishers are expend-tng their highest and ?? resources in thbe rroduction of Christmas book foe' this seeaOn, asad Messrs G Roatledge and Sans, of Ludgate.h, London, who have been alwrays in front of the trade with respect to thee ...


... countryi For years past it has been the custom of allI writers at Christmas to lament the departure ot the good old times, end to wail for the baron's hall, the or roasted - whole, the Christmas waits, who were more than mortal if they had not colds in their ...


... CHRISTMAS DAY. Christmas Day was ushered in with the pealing a of the joybells, which rang out merrily and sweetly v on the midnight air. Indications of rain had passedl ( away, and a mild frost had set in, which towards I-i morning became more severe ...


... supply the Christmas tree. Into every home the bustling active. - ora- tiou has penetrated, and the apartimn- 'I the public institutions have undergono thing like transformation. In each of these the inmates will be provided with the usual Christmas treat ...


... hearts to lumps of ice, It's vry well for bachelors, Who get invited there and here nnt us pcor houseooepors !-Well, well, Christmas comes but once a year. Dly books I've just been poring o'er; Ledgers and j'suriials, cash books, bills: (Neglecting matters ...


... life is the manner in whzich Christmas is anticipated by caterers K seasonable literature anrdart. Quite a monti before the great Festival is with us aj- one who is at all un to date will have run over most of the Christmas liter - ture. The actual holidays ...


... CHRISTMAS AMUSEMIENTS. TnH number and variety of aem.isements and enter- tairments ti town during the Chrituas *keek should render the task of iielecting suitable hol.iday pastime a coo'piratively easy one. If the juhabi- I tan's of Belfast cannot be ...