... CIHRISTMAS. It needed but the sprinkling of snow on the ground onr Monday to furnish a Christmas of the traditional type. The air was keen and criso, and during tile night hard frost. had prevailed. With a clear sky above, from wrhich the sna shone brightly ...


... drunkenness and disorderly conduct; some of the offenders having passed the whole time in the cells from Christmas Eve, and two or three spending Christmas Day there.-A man named iae lie was fined 20s., or 14 days', for being drunk and kicking a constable; ...


... delightful story founded on 44 Christmas Storms and Christmas Sunshine. This programme was by no means the least enjoyable of all the good ones issued by the managers of these entertainments, and many a heart was gladdened on Christmas-eve by tbe intellectual ...


... sharaed with being drunk and incapable at Child's Hill, Hen- don, on Christmas evening. He was dis. charged, There were 31 charges at Worship-street, as the result of the Christmas festivi- ties, and 21 of the number were placed under the head of ...


... I STARVING AT CHRISTMAS. I - TERRIBLE TALE FBOM POPLAR. Mr. Baxter held an inquiry at the Pop- lar Town ball, on Monday, on the body of Hannah Osean, aged five hours, the daughter of a dock labourer, residing at 122, Stsbondal~e-treet, Poplar.-George ...


... receive contributions towards the Poor Children' Christmas Dinner Fund. For thr7 last eloven years, 600 of the very poorest ahildren of Battersca have Mun treated with a comfortable dinner on Christmas Day, and it ia the intention of the society to give ...


... burglariously enter 15, Brussels Road, New Wandsworth. The' house was left unoccupied, the family being aveay during the Christmas holidays. On Boxing' day the prisoner and another man were seen, attempoiing to enter the house. The: men noticed that they ...


... Committee were onabled last I=cto distribute 20Mi. I16. amongst 743 blind persons, by .v shieh and their fsnilies obtained a Christmas dinner; zithey also disbursed during the winter months a sumn e071. 4s. 6d. for coaL In thoemanagement of the society ostrictest ...


... W. Il a The Robin Society last year gave a breakfast on je, Christmas morning to over 5,000 poor childrcn :this D( year we want to invite, 7,000. We make a point of Dt 1putting a. Christmas card unider each of the ias.A Di 2 short time ago wve asked ...