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... COURT.— Monday. Before Sir P. Stafford Carey, Bailiff. J. Le Mottee, A. S. Collings, and J. R. Tardif, Esqrs., Jurats.) De Cluveaux v. States. This was an action brought by M. de Clu- veaux, architect, against Mr. John L. Mansell, the States Supervisor ...

Published: Tuesday 25 November 1879
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 252 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Mdmes. Eaton, Colridge. Battersly, Rich, McCrae, Slattery. Jan. 28 : by the Southampton, from Jersey. — Messrs. Warren, De Cluveaux, Piprell, Wbiteman, Edwards and wife, Canot, Sallion, Ford, Arnold ; Misses Bowman and lady, Beazley. ...

Published: Saturday 28 January 1882
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 134 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Fossie, Baker ; Misses Baker, Le Brim, Pitland Poidevin. Sept. 27 : by the Brighton, from Jersey. — Messrs. Aubin and lady, Dv Cluveaux, Quick, Button, Mallett, Marshall and friend, Durnford and lady, Patrick and lady, Hall, Owen and lady, Murray and lady, ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1880
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 128 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... spelling of names. We publish them as they appear on the List of Arrivals. 1 Nov. 9 : by the Aqnila from Jersey. — Messrs. Do Cluveaux, Jackson, Poell. Nov. 10 : by the Southampton frora Jersey. —Captain De Jersey ; Captain Swiney and party ; Messrs. Spencer ...

Published: Saturday 11 November 1882
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 128 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Sifduly, Squat, Warren, In- man ; Misses Smith, Arthur. Msrch 23 : by tba Diana, from Jersey. — Messrs. Pirouet, Lihou, De Cluveaux, Clancy, Williams, White, Rus*el and child ; Mdmes. Dixon, Com mis; Miss Hamond. March 24: by the Southampton, from South- ...

Published: Saturday 24 March 1883
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 134 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... they appear on the List of Arrivals.] June 8 : by the Brighton, from Jersey. — General Goldie ; Messrs Ashford and lady) De Cluveaux and lady and daughter, Carriugton and lady, Lihou, Woodford, Beale, Haynes, Farrer, De Faje, Shaw, De Moulpied, Westa- way ...

Published: Saturday 10 June 1882
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 170 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Youlton, Sarre ; Mrs. Brooks. Dec. 21 : by the Fannie, from Jersey. — Messrs. Bristol, Jacobs, Le Messmier aud lady, De Cluveaux and child, Ingram, Blampied, Mitchell, Barron, Featherley, Baker, Orange, Fernerable, Bowe ; Mrs. Daasreau. Dec. 21 : by ...

Published: Tuesday 21 December 1880
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 138 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Id.; Mrs. Norman «. James 10s.; Thomas J. Bray v. Joshua Picot, 10s. 91.; H. Huston t>. Hamon, 18s.; H. Huston v. M. De Cluveaux, £1 75.; John Fowlere Phillips, 10*. 3d. ; John Fowler® Charles Webb, 3-». ; Armand v. Adolphe Marie, 4i. 6d.; Philip Jeon ...


... Veulle ; Mdmes. Serrill, Turnbull and party. Oct. 21 : by the Diana, from Jersey. — Messrs. Halford, Amy, Clutton, Warren, De Cluveaux, Pack, Burrows, Wardle; Mrß. Single; Misses Graham, Le Rougetel. Oct. 21 : by the Ella, from Southampton.— Captain Main and ...

Published: Saturday 21 October 1882
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 185 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... ; Sergt. Willia and 2 soldiers. July 26 : by the Diana, from Southampton.— Dr. Tucker ; Messrs. De Jersey and brother, Dv Cluveaux, Grant, Marchant and party, Rose, Gudbert, Mead. Melville, Farmer, Richmond Carey, De Butts, Tollingham, Hill, Isman, Mallet ...

Published: Thursday 27 July 1882
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 235 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... List of Arrivals.] August 1 : by the Brighton, from Jersey.— Col. Durand; Capt. Foujel j Messrs. Cross, Baylis and iady, De Cluveaux and lady, John and lady, Chobert, Black and friend, Legg and lady, Bree, Tostevin, Harcourt, Marshall, Bishop and friend ...

Published: Tuesday 02 August 1881
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 241 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Smith, Bougier, Le Brun. October 12 : by the Diana, from Jersey.— Messrs. Johnson, Carter, Binet, Simpkins, Bill, Hawkins, Dv Cluveaux, Edwards & wife, Hind and wife, Robin. October 12 : by the Brittany, from South- ampton.—Messrs. Green and party, Jupp and ...

Published: Saturday 13 October 1883
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Article | Words: 231 | Page: 2 | Tags: none