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... THE COMMISSION. On. Wednesday, the Commision of Over and Ter- miner, for the County and Ci It pen- ed in Green-street. Recent traysagtions will 1 y of Dublin,will be op e it au important and interes one; and the public forward, .to the result with the ...


... Sheriff of the-Cousty Tipperary, str the por him to appoint a day for «County pose of voti to kia Excelloney “and: Se quis Wellesley, on the offered ‘to that illustrious The- tre ef Dublin. few ts the house. of James Donovan within than a mile. of Carrick-on-Guir ...


... the mect- ing between Mr. P, Blake, of Holl and Mr. W. of Strongford, both of this County ;having been over to keep the peace in this County, they proceeded to the County Tipperary, one mile ond Portunma, where they fought on ‘Thursday bast; ta> first shot ...


... office of Public-Notary, in hout the Ci and County.of Cork, has been Radcliffe, Judge of granted by the Right the Court in to. this City, Attorney. at law. BIRTH. On Tuesday, at his seat, Kitballyowen, county Lime- rick, the Lagy of De Courcy O’Gredy, ...

XV,t &fciiftctn Kcucttcr, ana garU gantmcvtial gautitt

... transportation Jor’ life: COUNTY KERRY MEETING. TO: ADDRESS THE LOR LIEUTENANT. Pursusant to the call of the High Sheriff, Francis Tuite, Esq. to whom. a requisition most nur y gud respectably signe been 1 presented a ne rows of the County cf Kerry,, took meeting ...


... Aberdovy, laden with wine, timber, window ass, linen, and fron, was driven ashore in St. Mar, Bay, ticar the poiut of Carne, County Wexford. Her crew, it is supposed, have perished, as there was ne individual on board. Some Bills of Lading were found, dated ...


... the prisoner will be to have aflmitted that there was scarcely whom he The venu has been laid in the had’ not sworn in. County Dublin as the most convenient. Gentlemen, T shall not detain you any longer; entered more fully into this case than I at first ...


... Excellency the ioutenant has been pleased to t the Rev. Paris Bradshaw, son of William Harden Bradshaw, of Sunmerville, in the county of Tipperary, Esq. a young ntleman of promise and me- rit in the Church, to the living of Belleek, in the coun- ty of Fermanagh ...

Mb ctcrik Comintvcfal Cowritr. s_

... father, and asincere friend, and is deservedly regretted by all who knew him, N ADDRESS’ rom the County 9, Evcelleucy the LORD LIEUTEN at it ihe of Mr. County Court House, _ Wk, to His iT, hes for wn. an the teularly R. HENRY EPWARD JONES NM requests the ...


... DUBLIN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3. COMMISSION COURT. Mr. K. C, addvessed the court, on behalf ham, for whom he was retained. of the pfisoners Henry Handwich and George Gra- He stated that bilis of two distinct charges, sent to the grand jary, onc of which they ...


... descriptions of Merchandize, Carriages, Horses, &c. COUNTY ADDKESS.—A RUSE. al — as Horses; & Tt-¥ould appear, from» Notice in another part of of Merchatdize, Carriages, Il our Paper, that it souglit in the County, as it PRICE OF ERISH STOCKS—JAN, 4 was in the ...


... COUNTY MEETING. — EE ts to conceive ‘tee indigeation and that have been éreated by the Rese, as de- veloped in our fast astfully adopted by some prevent a County Meeting ofour County politicians, to yroment thatthey affected from taking place, even at ...