London, March 10

... Mr ARTHUR O'CONNOR, Who is at prefent fo much the fubjea of the public cosiverfation, is of a very reputable family, in .he county of Cork, in Ireland.- His father's name was Roger O'Connor, a gentleman of firong mind, tut extremely ani fingular in his ...

Edinburgh, July 4

... veceived his indi&- ment to frand trial before the High Court of Jufiriciary on the 12tlh infant. The Procurator Fifcal of the county of Argyle has advertised Duncan MacBrayne, accufed of the murder of Amelia Blair, wife of Donald MacTaggart, at Lochgilphead ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 5

... before the High Court to I of Jufliciary the trial of David Hunter, la- fou bourcr at Bonryrigg, parifh of Cockpen, and to county of Edinburgh, accufed of the murder feel of Anne Blaikie, refiding at Bonnyrigg, by me difcharging at her the contents of ...

!TO FARMERS, &c. TT' iRMERS and Others may be fupplied wirh SOUND SEED £ POTATOES deliverable at Leith, by applying

... LANDS of KINNINMOND, with th- MILL of BALDOWIE, and Mill Lands, Multures, and Seauels, Ivinir within the parish of Ceres, and county of Fife, these linds consist of about 367 .teres, conform to an arable, arc of an excellent ciialky, and are capable of carrying ...


... fq. so Mifs Thornton, eldell daughter of G. Thornton, Efq. of Atsffin Friars.-asnss Qz inan, Efe. of Frederick Strec;, Dublin, to M~ifs Marg~aret Maturin, yeunogell daughter to the Dean of Ma1turin. -At Ripon, Yorkeihire, H ,gh Blaydes, Efq. of Pasuil ...


... for Chsiliian- Sound, ballaft. II! Mary', lirowu,' fur Gseeiiee:;, froiii Sunday in Ork- y, meaL ij. Commerce, Smith, from Dublin fbr Petersburg. 17. Alligator, from i-esth for Liverpool, ballaft. 19. Ceres, Rofs, from Londonderry for Dasitstic, lisllafr ...

Edinburgh, July 24

... CDf'llbllV3q lct' 24. IlI C- 7OURT of JUSII(/IYRT. Mlonday came on the trial of Samurel Bell, !arcly rcfdinrZ at pittal, in the county of ; 5nlv i ibanm, nld ii /ijliori:o, late auclion- . er in Tiiltulc Strect, Edinburgh, indicdted at .:;nc inilianc of his ...


... Winter. Wednefday night a number of armed villains found means to. enter the boufe of Mr. Adair, near Slier- kc' lown, in-the County of Kildare, and after wan- tonly difbharginiga couple of piltols 'at Mr. Adair, the ball firomn one of whiclh paifed through ...


... QjARTRR SESSIONS. At the laft general quarter feffions of the peace held at Warwick, one Charlotte Turner, of New Maltrn, in tbe county of york, milliner, was tried for abandoning, by a canal fide, near Birmingham, her baflard child, (a boy between three and ...


... Macdonald's rcginment of the Isles, to Miss Marga- rette Hughes, yunngest daughter of Willianm Hughes,, Esq. of Vlascoch, county of Anglescy. On Saturday Irornieg Edwvard Belfour, Esq. of the it Navy Office, to Mliss Cathrinne Greznwell. D I E D. At Gibraltar ...


... wharf, of the value of 4cs. was made a capital' otTence, and punilbable with death. On Stturday' fe'nnight the affizes for the county Qf Berks commeneed at Abingdon, when J. Dor- mer, J. Ladwick, and W. Sumpter, were capitally convifled, and reeeived fentence ...

DUBLIN—Sept. 1

... D U B L i N-Sept. r. ?? 7, ?? . __ -Ir__ Monday the trials of Crown prisoners at Cork commenced in the County Courtu which had been for a few days pofiponed on account of thc fickly flate of the gaol, previous to the arraign4 ments of thefe wretched pcople ...