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... the Emperor of Germany and may had the fame The Museum, No. ll* for Aueujl, is cmbclliflie l wl.h a capita engraving of the Cricket Match Lady Derby \ ami Head of the Rebel Captain Cunningham \ a pattern of f»r an Apion, and a Sprig for a Shoe. AlfoaSong ...

Jer.n , M‘r.owen, ice, Ritr-n, Dublin. »t, Wnithorn. 27. Mi\fl iwt, Cjrliflo. 2X. Packet, MaxA’di, Iflemun. 29. ..

... Workington. 30. Peggy & M »Hy, Kiimiins, I*^. Profidcnce, Brown, Do. Glory, j Miry Port. Trya’l, Briggs Dumfriej. Grizie, Cricket, John, RucH, Wigtown. Mally, iglafi. Do. Hawke, D>ugl.fs, Wtiithorn. Ma*-y, Ke'ly, Dungarva’i. Fredrick, Kced, Norway. Mary ...

Laft week the Rt. th

... J , ' ,m a > t'arnsrveon. times 1 Thoniu, Brim, Sfangtoid. Betty, ilmsr, v'Jhil. line and Sally, Neln n. S'r. nnar. Gna>, Cricket; Treall. Brigs', llirmtrles. Ki;o , J.mea, 1.1..n, - , iftrr, Atklnfen. -j. ins >..rge, S.ol,d e, CheftT. Betty, Maigar, ...

MISS W--—, iged 161 very healthy beautiful young after walk the fi-Ms, in hot weather, being in iweat, and ..

... flighting the critical period flic was under, unluckily flept under the tree, while her parents and two friends, were looking a cricket match, where the ground which they flood was damp, and watered ail round by a faring no far dillant. In a few minute her feet ...


... cultivation it, during the hours of lludy. In thofe of relaxation from books, he svas fuperior to his comrades in agility body ; cricket, foot-ball, fives, &c. he was excellent but his grand fort lay in the hep, ficp, and jump. This lad exercife Teems not to ...

ard on the decafion, ‘ate, fai than be fubjeéted to the threats of a liamentary profecution; that with regard to

... ilaughtercd for wantof tubfifteace, fe- to add to the public there'is as ye On appearance of fertility, April 28, Monday laft a cricket m sat Tarts, * ed was play: C d by fome Englifh gentlemen, in lita Champs Elyfes. His Grace of Dorfet wa: ufual, the moft ...


... off—Two Shiliimc*. Wednefday I’e'ennicht, *n unfortunate affray happened at Haverhill: Several farmer* fervanu were playing at cricket, a quarrel arofc between one Stephen Boreham and another perfon, when they agreed to fight. In the courfe of the battle, the ...


... Liverpool.—Rev. Dr. Brock, of Davenhar Chefhire.—Walter Smyth, Eig. father to | Kitzherbert, and brother to che Earl of Sefto At Cricket Lodge, near Bath, the wile of Adr Hood.——.\t Stoke near Briftol, the Hon. Cavendifh.—The goth of July, inthe Ilan Scio, in ...

é nner SS ae For The Cumberiany Pacq Addrfid to SLE E FT H! gentle Slee: » though, on thy

... that lea grievances at for prev enting ovcal tions for voters, 1s, by cnattir 1B Certain rey Sir Ridley, Mr. Alderm Mr. Cricket, and Mr, S) an Sawbri and, upon the aue(lion loper, Oppo ence, fied the mot bead = You enjoy at now, aS On the SENSE of SMELLING ...

tr Tbi. I. O N 1) O N, June jo

... palace is {till rounded byt and the whole city of | Cey to under milttary ent. en Saturday, at three o'clock, the grand im of cricket, foronethoufand guineas, was dete et ned between the ger of Hampfhire ta Rent, a & nd, in new aro Mary-la-bone former won ...


... mott emincat Shillings. an, JOYLE’s GAMES Improved ; bei eft an Treatife on the following Game: Chefe. Hack-Gammon, Bill nd Cricket, ‘Tennis, Quinze, Hazard, and Laniquenet, it vil, dine the Laws ot the feveral Gaines, as fettled aad agree WS at aud Stapleton’s ...