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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Oracle of Fashion

... Mfercantilc Cellroicle. The Eaglislh on the Coa'finent.-At the Campo di Martel near Naples, there was a regular double-wicket cricket match-Eton against the World; and the World was beaten in one innings! This disposition to carry the amuse- ments of their ...

Oracle of Fashion

... ths highiest- ,n credit on Lieut Motmrfrtesirited asnd liberal mann~er I15 Ad which the whole' was conducted. lift A grand Cr'icket mattch, for loo guineas, will be played aly .onl Tuesdav next,.on Dutidham-l-torcn, between the Clifton Cutb-' te~r iand ...

Oracle of Fashion

... atid various shtades of lavelutler, rose-colour, tatd grey.- Cricklet.-'On Toestlay last the inetohers nf thle Lanoford Cricket Club met its a field near Burrtngton, and had an steel- leat day's sport. 'Ihe memliers cftere ardsa reitai -ed to Rickfurd ...

Oracle of Fashion

... ahd all etiabiq brother M-Cready to opeil his I'heatircal Grand Ledge; in King.street, in a style becoming the brotherhood. Cricket.-On Sattirday seinnight, a match was playedl on Durdham Down, between eleven gentletpers'of the Gramnmnar School, of'this ...

Oracle of Fashion

... The emblematicrl Illustrationts, which head the arti'les on Dransa, Poetri, the TurF, the Chase, the Ring, the Police, Cricketting, Pgeoni. shooting, the Aquatic Register, and the Aftlirs of the Fancy, %,were al I designed by Cruikshrank, in his most ...

Poets' Corner

... stabled 'neath thv bed And n't one but cats restore Alenerares sit set of hhn that's fled I miss thee from my sine, 131ithe cricket of ony hearth ! Oft it secret have I sighterd For thy chirpirag vice of mairth; When the lois-born cares of earst Chill my ...


... Soin oloper for his 1a1t at tie other ,-Saiti, all uirhliln f seven yvers old, but tIle sonl of ill old player, fulel of cricket blood, horn, as it mi ere, II itis a Ilet ill his Ilalln1, ttttilg lo 1(91) tle itotches of' his t:sll partiler-ll i ligigllty ...


... come lWe arc not what we w-cre of yove Thc music of inr hearts is dli lob; Our tireside mirth is hearld no tloic The little cricket's chirp is icir. Tltat filicd ouir happy hiomne utith ilQee The dlove lttlh fled w hose piniols hitru, 1Iealing and peace ...


... downward to the sea, Where his head must canopy,- Let me careless lay me down, Free from sorrow's sullen frown, While the cricket's chirping sound- Scatters merry music round, And the flowers their beds prepare For the fays that revel there. The bee bas ...


... Chililhooi's rattirg shout, Ere yet thee rested till oarother day; Have felt sricietv in the loie orwint's screamr, And ii the cricket's chirrup in tire hiedge, And thene I 'd gaze again lpon the mooar, And turrn to watch the featrires that I loved So dearlyr ...


... cCjtswr of beetles. The lower pair is meembranous, and folded straight. in this order we fid. the grnssbopper, locust, mantis, cricket, cockroach, &o. The Coeotlstetr correspond with those of the Hemonptora whieb hare no membrane at the tip of the upper pair ...


... beauteous roce tCie last. Yet a fewe sutnny days, in whici the bee Shall imnrinur by tlse heedge that skirts the way, The cricket chirp ipotn thle russet lea, Asid matl delight to linger in City ray. yet one rich amieo aosd we Avill try to berar Thu pierciig ...