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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer


... consequence impaired health, Mr. Calvert also wishes dispose of his Business a Gun Maker ami Dealer in Fishing Tackle, Archery, Cricketing, and other Sporting Goods, successfully carried in the town of Leeds by himself and family foe a period little short a century ...


... JOHN LATIMER, JOHN r . Solicitor, Leeds. WILLIAM IRK. Jun. ENGINEER VOLUNTEERS THIS SATURDAY .at . I GRAND CRICKET MATCH will on the TADCAKTEK CRICKET GKH XD, on MONDAY. T( ODAY, and WIDMEHDAY. JILT KRh, 17th. and Irtth. between the Vnited All England Eleven ...

CRICKET MAT U, in the GUcIXP, RoAP, on neat, the loth Jnlv MDLBM'K r. KNARBBUDROIGIL W keU pitched 10. ui

... CRICKET MAT U, in the GUcIXP, RoAP, on neat, the loth Jnlv MDLBM'K r. KNARBBUDROIGIL W keU pitched 10. ui. Aoinlssioii Pre* Holla, k club Piatures for July. loth, . .. llolheck. Uth. .. Hunahrt, llat, Hmdfoid H.dbetk. 2MB. lMrke« ...


... CRICKET r. VALE This match was played in llarewoo«l Park on Friday and Saturday. In consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather Friday, play being frequently interrupted by showers, only one innings each side was completed. The game considerably ...

KIRRSTALL ABBEY.—A GRAND BRASSLA.ND ami GALA will lical in the grvuial on SATI RDAV. Augud 4th, IkdO Full will ..

... to VA HIGH I . Mauagcr. 4J AaryS'a Row, kirk-Ull. (iKH'KET.— The Holbec Lillywiiites will l-e U> arrange Friendly Half-day cricket Matches with any of the within ten miles Le. •!«, the f dlowuitf «iat*« July and 2ath : August Uth ami 25th. or. l»s> Mat ...

TO BE SOLD, A LARGE QUANTITY of BUILDINT. LAND, suitable fur Engine Building Shops or any other purpose ..

... consequence impaired health. Mr (divert also wishes to dispose of Id* Lusineaa Gun Maker and Dealer Flaking Tackle. Archery, Cricketing, and other Sporting G«*K!S. successfully «ai In the town of Leeds by himeulf and family for period little short century ...


... GOODWOOD STAKES. 7 Special w.) 1100 to 8 agst Fortune 1 - Media (off). | 100 to - Lucifer ,1) 10 Black Prince (If) agst t». CRICKET. THE LEEDS CLARENCE t>. GENTLEMEN HUNBLKT. This match was played yesterday the ground of the former club, at Kirkstall, and ...


... consequence impaired health. Mr. Calvert also wishes todi*iH«e his Business a Gun Maker and Dealer in Fishing Tackle, Archery, Cricketing, and other Sporting Goods, successfully carried on in the tow Leeds and family for a period little short of a century. Any ...


... . Lawton .. ws casy Win fOr Sue os ridge crew, spe vorts will be contin to-day. Private Martin CRICKET Lowe — GENTLEMEN OF YORKSHIRE } Owner TINGHAMSHIRE. Goater This match commenced esterday, YY, on the riskene ¢ to the first-named club, at York. Not ...


... _ a wane the (ilar In the gig race the Cork boat had an eas Private Pryor CRICKET Ss old; ~ & mM. OF YORKSHIRE } ar of the TINGHAMSHIR we aa ee eS “VE was Bromley, who exhibited some good er nothing calling for particular remark. Si score YORKSHIRE, 1st ...


... te. thea dead whit decided up to this hour, 12 o'clock, In the gig Cork boat was again sold CRICKET. £ ase of 22 » er See be 4 — yon several reports sof “matches because they reache or three days after the matches had been pl son TWENTY-TWO _ THE HE HOUSE ...


... PARK GRAND (JALA. THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON. I'h :teai.t. (Juict. Healthy, Beautiful. Two Bandi will play select music to p.*. Cricket Match this aftem *>u. Dancing on the large platform and lawn. All hriliiautly lighted with ens. Admission; Threepence eaifc ...