Advertisements & Notices

... alefffo, lConascedlions, -Pur, Rciierfis, Matrimony, Comre Lottery,(Q!anz'e, Speculation, Hazard, Clhefs, Back mbmn Domin~o, Cricket, All Fours, Rouge cc Ndir, Tennis, Bhjrs Golf. &e. Ste and their 'Laws as fceetki at the Jocey lb &d. &c. -By Charles Pigott ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o b reviewed 8aturdai prce di , II th I~ e lihe Catlo tte I Particulars may be hatd at the Whi it Hart, Catshot t itthei Cricketers, Chertsey; Mr. Joncs, sehicitor, New-ou rt, Crutch- ed-friars sid of - M c'sso. Cibblms ant Jachgsoq, Lucklerahbory, , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... apply to Mr. S. Flet- v. cher, on the premifes. .is LAND AT NE'I'HERSEAL. ~: TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TIlTERTON, t At Cricket's Inn, in the paritli of Netherteal, and county be of Leicefter, on Monday the 27th day of May, 1805, tt- at S o'clock in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEASE of a Genteel HOUSE: - p leasantly situated in the best part of the New-road, com- mranding a complete view of Lordts Cricket-ground, Hamp- stead, Flighgate, &c. The house consists of dining room and brenkfast room, separated by fohduisg dours, two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... partitioned dog's house, 2 large myrtle tubs, engine for watering wall-trees, 'quantity of flower pets and gartdcn tools, set of cricket bats and balls, single horse chaise, taxed cart and harness, road sad- dle, side ditto, and various articles, which will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... partitioned dog's house, 2 large myrtle tubs, engiine for watering wall-trees, quantity of flower pots and garden tools, set of cricket bats and balls, single horse chaise, taxed cart andharness, road sad- dle, side ditto, and various'articles, which wilibe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... partitioned dog's house, 2 large myrtle tuhs, engine' for watering wall-trees, quantity of flivver pots and garden tools, set of cricket bets and balls, single horse chaisej taxed cart and harness, road sad- dle, side ditto, and various articles, wvhich will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SInAXY.9 are MI Sadeb4rv RlCHARDSON, COOPLUCX, and'Co. STATE LOTTERY, fQvr. xSo. :REGIrS' 1V~eflwIAr{ 3o.ab SEAP-TI+EM17r crICKETS .rni Shares for the above iotter c, Sale aht HAZARD, BURNE, and Co-s OQce, No. 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of all Defcriptions. A CAUTION. W HEREAS feveral Perfons from Oxford, and other Places, do make a Pradlice of play- ing at CRICKET and other GAMES, to the great Detriment of the Commons of Bullingdon Green,' Cowley Marfit &c. this is therefore to give Xotice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lfq. iSc. U Sc On Friday the foot race, betvween Lord Edward Somerfet, and the Hlon. Edward Harbord, took place in Lord's Cricket Ground. The rank of the 1wift- footed antagonifts, and the celebritv' they have already acquired for feats of agility, natrally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cotton,IT, Uptots a Mfounrtftreeti-NottilA *39 --i424. 16 Cotton, hir;Cupland, Edrsgicy; ST 40 24 10 C-otiots, Mri emwt', Cricket ct. Notto. 't 41 24 16 Co'mon, ir - ai Iahe~,..tctl Sth 42 - 24 8- C~otwin, 41. Tj' Pratimtft1o i~43. 1,6 -CottoiiTr.AfM r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... widi be added, (By particular rlesire.) A FAECE; *a.;ed 'Thc wEATHERCOzcK. ?? the 8th Day oif Jnly' inst. utill b a MATCH ?? CRICKET played on she Camlping Grossns'.it Neeslhamtbetn,'een the Oenteicrn ci thelt Neerlltasn-narket Ctlub, and ?? :hte Stow market ...