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hum WEDNESDAY Jvvr 37, tu SATURMY Ju?.? 31. 174'

... Woolwich, and committed to Goal, being charged with fereri Robberies on the Highway. Yefterday in the Evening the great Match at Cricket, for ion Guineas a Side, between Faulkner's and Dingate's Parties, was play'd in the Artillery Ground, and won by the former ...

For the BENEFIT of M

... the Occupation of the Widow Topley. Inquire of John Byng, in St. Peter's, Canterbury. On Monday last, during the Time the Cricket-Match was playing in the Artillery-Ground, near Moorfields, a Fellow was detected by a Gentleman in picking Pockets, who was ...

Frvn tit LoPnivt If; itten Leto-, 7:e7r 12

... hand, it was loon happily extinguiffed. We hear from Elham, that TO-morrow, being ThurCday the tsth there will be a Match of Cricket-Playing, between the Men of Elham and Lyminge, the Mcn of Dover, for ss. a Man. And that the Wickets are to be pitch'd on ...


... on the a gth and taking thence a Sack and a Bill, the Property of the laid 'Thomas Terry. We hear from Sturry, that :t the Cricket Match play'd there lall Menefday, the married Men beat the Batchellors ; but that there wil be ther Match to be play'd between ...


... A MATCH of CRICKET, TO be Play'd at Ham-ftreet-Green near Warehom in Kent, on Monday the 3i ft of this inftant July, between the Neighbouring Parifhes of that &de of the Country, againit the Parifh of liranckley near Tunbridge-Welk, in the fame County ...

Pim Mt balsa Cozens, Fib. sy

... where they apprehended feveral noted Pickpc,eke:i, Gamblers, and the like, diligently employed at the reveral , rncs of Cricket, throwing at Cocks, toting up, &e. who being carrd bcfore Mr. Juflice Withers, were by him committed to Prifon. —The I;chaviour ...


... but her Daughter received no D. range. Yefterday died, at Deptford, Robin Courtier, otherwife cII Long Robin, the famous Cricket-Player. His Death is (aid to be cafioned by a Running Match about three Weeks fince, whereby h e got a Surfeit, which threw ...


... were burnt down; welfraellt liy fame Haytnikert Omsk* nO•Jr aienu • . • ! On Friday lad was played the. izteat Match at Cricket on bar' rford between, tbe eyelid's of Kent and Sutty, which ended in farout Kent. • I ...

the Priming Of lice, 'the $ Elarvcit Lompanion, Containing a Table, the Area s or Content of any Cant, PIeCC

... They alio wit,, that a Dutch Ship was loft off of Eultatia, and all the People drowu'of. 7;4 am. • We hear, a great Match of Cricket, between the Gentlemen cr Bruited and the Gentlemen of Hadlow, wi:l he plsy'd on WF nelday next; and the Wickets to be pitch'd ...


... the County of Wilts and Diocife of Sarnbury. Yefieraly was play'd in the Artillery -Ground the third and decifive Match at Cricket, between the Counties of Kent and Surrey, which was won by the former. It was an exceeding good Match; the Odds varied feveral ...