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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... fports, exercife., and amusements of the fur- rounding vicinage (hunting, {ihooting, fiflbing, failing,n ma- chine bashing, cricketing by Gentlemen, billiards, baiis,afl'ems iiies, concertS, plays, &c. &c.) are, in their feveral feafons, in a more than cu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Afcent into he Air, to thej)leight o Ten fhoufand Fact, and his Defeert bj means of a Parachute will take place at LORD's CRICKET Ground, Mary-le-bone on thc 1d of 'oiy, at4 o'clock in the aftcrnion. Adroittanue tI, feats. immediately in the vicinity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .s. To be had at No. It conidit-ftreet; at rons'; Coffee-iojL fortnhil,, xat tie ,bmbhe Tavern, Fleet-flreet ; at lord's Cricket-gro0idl, New- road and at the Pantheon, Oxford-fitreet, where the Aerofta- tic Msgchines arc to be feen every day Aadmittarce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... feats, jS. To be had at No. 3, Condait-ftreet -at Tom's Coffce-houfe, Cornhill ; at the Globe Tavern, Flee-flrect;- at Lord's Cricket-grhund, New- '~road;, and at the Panhteon, Oxford-ftreet, wliere the Aeroita- stic M mcrs kre to bje feen -eveiy ?? tS. N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tlkng place, if the weather perrnits,'in his Parachute; in the alternative with his Baloon, this Aftcrnoon, at Lord's Cricket Ground, 2t Four o'clock precifely.. Firftfceats, xos. 6d. iCoin', feats, SE. N. B. if Mr. Garnerin is, by eontrusy weather ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Garnerin to a diltance of 64 sniles. 2d, The ELIPTICAL BALLOON, with which Mecfrs. Lockcr and Garnerin afentded from the Cricket Ground, and 1h tbe fame with which Madame Garnerin and Meffrs. Glafsford tn and Garnerin journey ed from Vauxhall. E 3d, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -The Ninth Edition, greatly improved. t Containing Rulcs aiid lnltrudions for playing Whsilt, Piquet,c Quloze, Golf, Put, Cricket, l'ennis, laro, Hazard, Roug et Noir, Lanrqueset, Backgammon, Chiels, Quadrille, Cribbage, Calrino, Coiinnedons, All Fours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ico. -Admittaree ais.6d. in day-time; 3s. atniaght.: T OST on Friday Evening lafi, ?? 6~e ad tir a3j o-clock, ncar Lord's Cricket Groundf, a rnial WED and WI'IUP'1 SPANi[-El. BITCH, has lately had Puppies. WM7o- ecirc will iarinjg ls ?? No. cai, Alifo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIsall grs'sild rine.-l'o be. viewed ort till the fale, and particuIIISlars m be Iia lst on tise Premnilts ; at w Lord's Cricket-ground, at'sl at the Ya rkihirc Stingo, vit the CS New-road; at the B34ptilf Coffee Itoufe, in Chancery-lAlie ; at I Garraways; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ninexpired, at at Liall ground rent.-To he viewed b- till the ulsl, and particulars may be had on the Premifes; at Lostl's Cricket-ground, and at the Ys'rktfhire Stingo, in the, Nckvroad; at the Baptilt Collec-hsdiffe, in Chancery-lane; at Gairraway's ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uneapicetd, at a firall ground ronr.-i a It, Na', ,d Lill the lair, arid particulars may be had or; t~xI~re rrrn~ir; t Lord's Cricket-ground, and at the l'orkilire Shtwago ill rfr New-road; at the Biptirt Coffee-houc ji Clara3-aer Garraway's; of Meifis. Ward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIR r etZAN(IS BIUR. Dfl ifo he COUNTY of NIUDDLFi o , wiid miert every da- it A.LLSOP', T'AVERN,7 the crnqrte o1 L ord' Cricket Ground, Mai y'Ie-bone; where it is requelted all lent-rs and in.- formiation m cy be e~nt,anrd wvhere'comnairntliftis611 Will ...