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... CRIMES AND OFFENCES. Extraordinary Cask. —An old man of «eventy-eeven, named Martinet, and a middle-aged woman, named Meunier, on Fiiday tried before the Court of Assizes of the Seine, for robbing and wounding person, named Marlee, carrying on business ...


... CRIMES AND OFFENCES. A Ferocious Attack.—On Tuesday night, about ten o'clock, Mr. Ketcher, a respectable fai mer, of RaNbro', near Southampton, was returning home from the residence Mr. Grice, at Asheldham, he observed man in an oat field. Mr. Ketcher ...


... CRIMES AND OFFENCES. Jealousy and Murdkr—The B rmimjhnm Journal records frightful occurrence which took place the Maid's Head publ'c house in that town, on Tuesday evenngse'nnight. It appearsthat Will-am Hnllinshrad, man aged about rtv, who furmeily belonged ...


... sources of Irish crime and misery. Are these unjust relations to be 44 stereotyped ? and is the formula of Irish history to read lor ever thus:—A vicious structure of socisty; crime as its natural consequence; coercion to suppress crime; temporary quiescence ...

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... The Crime and the Criminal, The Dachet V)j:,id~s4, and other tales have been everywhere read and enjoyed. I lil, GODDESS: A DEMON, will be found fully equal to Mr. Marmh's earlier work. '11 -E GODDESS: A DEMON, is a modern story of crime, love ...

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... A STORY FOR THE TIMESo THE MAN OF THE MOMENT. BY MORICE GERARD. A. TALE OF INTERNUATIONAL INTRIGUE3:, CRIME, LOVE, AND MYSTMR'!. On Friday next, April 6th, -will appear in these columns the opening instalment of a new' and Puoverful Novel by a brilliant ...

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... A STORY FOR THE TIAMES, THE MAN OF THE MOMENT. BY hORICE GERARD. A 'TA LE OF UNTEIINATIONAL nTNHIGUE, CRIME, LOVE, AKN)D MYSTERY. (I F]'ri!lav, April 6th, -will appear in thwse columns the opening instalment of a new al ' a (ifol 'Novel by it brilliant ...


... untainted by crime; but does it harmonize with the principles Christianity, with sound reason, with common sense, that we should refuse to receive as a citizen him who, in the days of ignorance, and of depravity resulting from ignorance, committed crime, but ...

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... Zr0 tWS'l'r8aflt. Di il.sfrrroei Or CRIME IN IaeRBLAND.-A Citizens of the World, who nas addressed us as Mydear Mr. Smith,' reminds its of the po- liteness of the nrize-flghter, who, before he Fets to with his ad- vcrsaryto doubic him up,or darken ...

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... TWO NEW NOVELS. THE MAN OF THE, MOMENT. BY NORICE GERARD. A T'ALE OF INTEhRN'ATIONAL INlRIGUE, CRIME, LOVE, AND MYSTERY. 'P 1ev we give the opening instalment of a new and Powerful Novel by a brilliant writer, ?? . (1 THE MAN OF THE MOIOMIENT 'i le stokv ...

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... title and Gommencement of which will be duly an. DoInced. In the meantime, upon the onclusion of the story The Shadow of a Crime, a novelette of great interest will be contributed by .ML HALL CAINE, Whose ?? as a story writer is now waell known to cur ...

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... 18, WJILL BE CON-TMED A W TORY OF THRILLING i RE THE SHADOW OF A CRIME, T. HALL CAINE (Author of Recollections of Rossetti, Cobwebs of Criticism, ?? Chapter IM-The Shadow of the Crime. Ma1y be had of ail Newsoyents. ONE OF THE SPECIAL FEATURES OF T}IE ...