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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Crimes against Women. —(To the Editor of the Daily Netcs). —Sir, —Your, paper issued to-day records the verdict ..

... Crimes against Women. —(To the Editor of the Daily Netcs). —Sir, —Your, paper issued to-day records the verdict on John James Walker, who has been tried at the Central Criminal Court for the murder of his wife. It was proved that the wife was a woman ...

A SINGULAR and interesting table of statistics lias just been published in Paris. The budget of French crime ..

... A SINGULAR and interesting table of statistics lias just been published in Paris. The budget of French crime has been brought out, and the political economy of punishment is supplied with a fresh instalment of facts and figures. Long ago the study was ...

A ??? song of criminal classes, '/lie days when Sir E. B. was the novelist of crime, began Nix dolly,

... A ??? song of criminal classes, '/lie days when Sir E. B. was the novelist of crime, began Nix dolly, pals, fake away. ma!;c this quotation subject to correction, because the language of the lyric was obscure Villon's jargon. But that the song encouraged ...


... at half-past twelve o'clock. Division on the Crime and Outrage (Ireland) Bill.—The minority of four who voted Friday in committee on the question of limiting the enactment those districts in which such crimes and outrages as are specified in the bill shall ...

The Exaltado insurrection in Galicia has been put down. No city of any other province, and no body of troops

... for the offence of rape was abolished in 1841. That crime has increased since to a considerable extent. Such are the facts from which it is inferred that the legislature has gone too far ; that crime is promoted by the relaxation of our criminal code; ...


... for those crimes was 7276, while in the following five years, when those crimes were longer capital, the number of convictions was 7126. Those returns aim proved that as the infliction of the punishment of death became less frequent, the crimes to which ...


... that, horrible the crimes of Moscow and the Winter Palace were, they fall within the rule long acted upon by Europe, which precludes such acts from being the subject of extradition. The well-known distinction is that a political crime is one committed in ...


... with which the crime of deliberate assassination has of late been committed in Ireland ; and that we hope that the adoption measures calculated to giv-' increased security to life, and to bring to justice the perpetrators so dreadful a crime, may be the ...

On Saturday the silly fellow who some time ago accused himself of the Burton-crescent murder was discharged, ..

... besides Mr. Poland that it very great pity that the penal law takes cognizance of these acts mischievous folly. Hardly any crime of importance is committed without some such sequel this when the perpetrators have not been discovered. In a state of drunken ...


... extraordinary increase of crime. Now, I think die increase of crime and the character of crime could alone justify a measure of this kind. (Hear, hear, hear.) I do not think the question depends merely on the increase of crime ; your considera-. tion must ...


... There were, no doubt, districts in Ireland in which crime might said to have been concentrated—in which, during the last few years, the records of crime had been of a peculiar character, and the crimes themselves of a most fearful and appalling nature. ...


... should be mentioned as a proof of crime and disturbance existing in Ireland. The county of Tyrone was tranquil and as free from crime as anycounty in England, or any portion of the civilised world. Horrible and cowardly crimes might be and were committed the ...