Right.—An habitual drunken', having found in dream a cup of excellent wine, net about warming it, enjov it wirh ..

... Mother, t.ikcare of you self, I am fcced k : ll vou ; I longer master of who before his attack, and ientlv to it, exhibits the jre .test affection for his mother Ami yet many persons who have committed murder under such circum-ta' ces have been executed in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for a Bottle I of Vernon's Cotqlh and Agstmatic Drops. Se said, I I am b afraid they will do Me no $ood, I have used but every thing; have lost all faith, and Cespair of being even relieved ; but g hearing such a good account of your Drops, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... think it will he only fair to allow me to state at the outset some matters of 'a licrsonal character . It is well known that for many years'I have been identified with the Liberal party in Birmingham. I have exerted myself for its objects. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whenever you find its impurities in Pimples, Eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you nnd it obstructed an slog- gish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feehngs will tell you when. Keep your blood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... recovered. M. (A Constant Reader).-Ij the statements you have made in your letters to the parties you mention, are cor- rect, you have nothing to fear. We cannot see that the inquiries made are objectionable. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the pain in the gums. I would have every one suffering thus to apply im- mediately the only attificial means whereby to re- medy, and which I am sure is found in the use of your agreeable preparation. I doubt net you have multiplied instances of cures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of which you had been in command during the last six- teen months, beg leave respectfully to express to you, on your retiring from the service, our lively sense of the perfectly impartial, yet strict manner in which you have performed ...


... bonies were ?? together. If you will tie so good as to glee me ansother bottle, I am sure it will w~ork a 1rerfeet cure. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, IA liluiroaddy, I~vq. Nichor.s Bs~owrs. Dear Sir-Tbe effecttof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... until you will find your cottage attacked by uvriado T.Ihoireoddy, Esq. e of my former fellowosufferers, tora share of your bounty, auld I myself now Golden Lion Hotel, Liverpool. apply for the first, trultiigF that ?? gootiness will not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fortune for your grandchildren. If you make up your mind to do so. as I am what the world style an idle man, you may enlist me in your service in any way that you think would be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... contains- One Bottle Port, 3s.; One Bottle Sherry, 28. 6d.; One Bottle Champagnea, us.; One Bottle Beaujolais, Is. 6d.; One Bottle Cognac Brandy, 4s.; One Bottle Jamaica Bom, 3I. Gd.; One te ...